LEGO Fortnite: The Ultimate Open World Survival Adventure

#MadeByMELO | MELO SPACE Creative News


Get the free in-game content then play, build, and survive — brick by brick

Lego Fortnite Game Review by MELOGRAPHICS
Lego Fortnite Game Review & In-Game Unlocks Guide by MELOGRAPHICS

Fortnite, the massively popular online video game, has once again expanded its universe with an exciting collaboration. This time, it has teamed up with the iconic toy brand LEGO to create LEGO Fortnite, a thrilling open-world survival adventure. Released on December 7, 2023, LEGO Fortnite is now available for free within the Fortnite game. In this article, we will explore the features, gameplay, and the exciting potential this collaboration brings to the gaming world.

What is LEGO Fortnite?

LEGO Fortnite is a survival crafting game that combines the creativity of LEGO with the immersive world of Fortnite. Drawing inspiration from the immensely popular game Minecraft, LEGO Fortnite offers players an expansive open world to explore, build, and survive. With its unique blend of brick-building and survival elements, LEGO Fortnite provides players with endless opportunities for creativity and adventure. There are two main game modes in Fortntie Lego — while you can have multiple world and invite friends and keyholders (editor access to play without you); you cannot change the game mode once it’s created.


