In celebration of the light

The winter solstice is here. Do you feel the renewal?

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
2 min readDec 21, 2017


On the day when our longest shadows are cast, it’s time to slaughter the fat calf and drink the beer. The traditions of the solstice are very near.

The last day of autumn in the northern hemisphere is marked by our tilting Earth once again reaching the apex of it’s lean. Tomorrow we begin a new phase. Minute by minute, the next six months is a journey toward light as the north pole slowly assumes it’s counter position.

Most modern Christmas celebrations have their roots in solstice traditions.

Our pagan ancestors were deeply attuned to the changing patterns of the planet we call home. On the longest night they celebrated the passing of the darkness and the return of light with feasts, fires, offerings, lighting of candles, and decorations. An observance that often stretched a full 12 days.

It was a beautiful period marked with clear endings and unspoiled beginnings.

They connected the natural world to life on earth, ending one cycle and glorifying the coming of a new cycle. Renewing during the cold darkness with anticipation and preparation.

Our modern Christian beliefs and calendar place the birth of Jesus and the New Year in the 12 day period between the longest night and the beginning of our next trip around the sun.

It’s no coincidence.

These holidays are also about re-birth and beginning anew.

During this very special time, try to feel in atonement with the cycle of nature we are experiencing. It is the inspiration for our holiday celebrations.

Now, let’s all eat, drink, and be merry, but don’t forget to let go of the endings and reflect on the renewing power the solstice brings.

MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive