Is this the cosmic trick?

The divine pun?

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
2 min readJul 8, 2018


Is this the cosmic trick?

The divine pun?

We are spiritual beings having a human experience,

If we believe as we should.

But we can’t truly experience,

Because the ego.

Conscious intelligence.

The monkey mind second guessing.


Talking to us like a nun in parochial school.

Is there a happy medium?

Maybe you must be a medium to find it?


A divine Trickster calling us one way while pushing us another?

Keeping us “in search of” the ever illusive.

Saints and Martyrs.

Profits and Sages.

Mystics and Magi experience what we long for.

Industries are created to help us get there.

Pay as you go, “I can show you the way.”

Leave it.

Leave it all behind?

Meditate to know.

Activate the pineal.

Dance with spirits through hallucinations of induced splendor.

Or, do what I do.

I promise.

There are no promises.

Just ranting of the mad. Rantings of seekers same as you.

Longings of the lost.

Making a living same as you.

Call it callings of the realm.

Is this the cosmic trick?

The divine pun?

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Called but unlikely to achieve.

A need to blur the lines yet unable to surrender.

We are One,

And we are many.

Let that be,

Then life becomes all

For all is nothing,

And nothing remains except everything.



Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive