To woo is to smother that mother

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
2 min readApr 18, 2017

Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The message here: Woo life the way you might woo a suitor.

To woo is to invite or court: seek the favor of, affection, or love: or to try to win something or someone.

Who doesn’t like to be wooed? I certainly do.

I heard a story about a lady who was fed up with her job. She wasn’t fond of the old fashioned ideas of her current company where she no longer fit or agreed with the atmosphere. She wanted a change. Her ideal was to be with like minded people who share a progressive attitude doing all the things she’s good at and enjoys.

At first, she began to think about how she might make herself attractive to new employers. She contemplated the person they might be looking for and tried to shape to that mold (as most people do when they are looking for a job).

It occurred to her to reverse her mode of thinking.

Instead, she knew exactly what she had to offer. She painted a picture in her mind of herself taking the helm in a perfect position. A position so perfect it was almost as if it had been created for her.

One step and one connection led to the next and to the next until she landed the perfect position exactly like she pictured.

Rather than thinking, “Oh, I need to try to be what they are looking for,” she thought, “I have so much to give, who wants me?”

It’s the way you think that matters.

A prime example of wooing life and sending out “secret forces that incessantly draw great events.”

It all begins with an attitude that says I’m going to charm the socks right off of life and love it until the cows come home. Fix your goo goo eyes on an outstanding life, and put your best self out there. Courting away.

To woo is to smoother that mother with affection!

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Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive