You have a best friend you don’t even know

Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas
3 min readApr 23, 2017
Hermes Rivera

The conscious mind allows itself to be trained like a parrot, but the unconscious does not. ~Carl Jung

When it’s time to leave, I get up and go. When I meet someone new, I know whether I want to learn more. When I write, I begin to write and words come easily.

How? Intuition.

Intuition is a perceived insight of fact or truth independent of the reasoning process.

Intuition is the unconscious and it speaks.

The unconscious is where we make connection with the Whole.

What is the Whole?

Difficult to define because it’s rather incomprehensible to our reasoning minds yet other words can help; the All, the One, the Infinite, the Universal, God or Goddess for that matter. The pervading Essence of which everyone is an individual manifestation. The Whole. Definitions are limiting and there is no limit to the Omnipotent.

Inconceivable as it seems to ordinary reason, you — and all other conscious beings as such — are all in all.

~ Erwin Schrodinger

Intuition is like your unconscious communicating with your conscious. Direct information from the Whole.

How does intuition speak? I believe it speaks differently for different people, as well as differently for different circumstances.

For me it’s merely a knowing. It’s not anything I have to consider or rationalize. The more I allow my intuition free reign the more it answers the call.

Using it makes it useful. The less I rationalize choices and decisions by not thinking too much and allowing intuition to direct my action the easier everything becomes.

A healthy connection to your intuition can be reached and it’s a worthy undertaking.

If all of this sounds uber philosophical and existential, I guess that’s because it is. So, let me break it down with a little story.

Let’s pretend you’re having a beer with your intuition. You could even give your intuition a name. Chuck, yes, Chuck works.

You say, listen buddy, “ Chuck, I need you to be my best friend.”

“I need you to warn me when something uncool is going on. I need you to let me know when a good deal is really a good deal and when it sucks.”

“I need you to give me warning about keeping my mouth shut when it’s better to keep my mouth shut and I need you to let me know when to speak up because shit’s getting really deep.”

“I need you to help me decide who to trust and who not to.”

“I need you to give me a sign to slow down and take advantage of all the good and carry the bad to the curb with the trash.”

“Give me answers to my questions and make life a little easier.”

“I need you to . . .”

“Chuck, I need you to give me a heads up on just about everything.”

Chuck replies, “I got your back, man.” And he does.


Isn’t that the perfect best friend?

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Paula Thomas
MadeYouThink! with Paula Thomas

I seek to help people know and understand their power to think. #Thinking#Inspiration#Motivation#Uplifting#Positive