Big Game, Big Screen: MADFINGER goes to PC

Tomáš Hůsek
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2021

To truly deliver our biggest game yet, we had to make a huge step forward…

It’s time to share yet another piece of exciting behind-the-scenes info, and this time it’s going to be a big one. After much thinking, debating, planning, and weighing both pros and cons, we are delighted to announce that our next game will be coming to PC!

We realize that this is a huge step forward for the studio, offering both incredible possibilities and freedom but also new challenges that we have to overcome. Nonetheless, we are thrilled and ready to use the new platform’s advantages to their fullest, creating our biggest game yet! Moving to PC will allow for levels of detail, scope, and realism that were just not possible in our previous mobile games, with intricate and deep gameplay focused on hardcore gamers.

We hope you are as excited as all of us here at the studio. We still have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but so far, we’re making great progress, and we hope to share the first look at the prototype version of the game very soon!

