Dead Trigger 2 Fan Art: Gallery of the Undead!

Lee Robert Adams
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2019

The second game in the zombie-killing franchise is still going strong six years after its initial release. It has become part of pop culture, featuring in shows like American Dad, and has inspired fans to create some truly awesome artwork…

Happy 6th birthday Dead Trigger 2!

Here at MADFINGER we love receiving fan art inspired by our games. If you have any masterpieces you want to share, don’t be shy! You can PM us at the MADFINGER Games page or Dead Trigger 2 page on Facebook.

A nasty rash he’s got there… Artist: Weri Despiandry
A clever use of enemies from artist Charlemagne Nera
A nice day for a zombie apocalypse. Artist: Weri Despinadry
Getting groovy with the chainsaw. Artist: Ilya
That hazmat suit won’t help him now. Artist: Daisuka Uchiha
Dr Herman Adler’s not feeling very arty today. Artist: Charlemagne Nera
Behind you! Kyle Walker + fiend. Artist: Weri Despiandry
The iconic Rager posing for a mugshot. Artist: Weri Despiandry

Don’t forget: Beta sign-up for Shadowgun War Games is now open!
Limited spaces are available — to avoid disappointment, sign up here.

