It’s Unreal: MADFINGER Switches Engines

Tomáš Hůsek
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2021

They say that change is life, but what exactly made us suddenly switch game engines?

We’re thrilled to finally lift the veil a little on our upcoming game and proudly announce that it will be powered by the Unreal Engine! This may come as a surprise to some since all our titles in the past years were exclusively developed in Unity, but we strongly believe that Unreal will allow us to reach a yet unprecedented scale and graphical fidelity needed for our next project.

Unreal’s out-of-the-box support for a vast amount of features that we plan for the game proved to be a perfect fit. We are truly going bigger than any of our previous titles, and after careful consideration and extensive research, building the game from the ground up on Unreal was a clear choice.

Of course, switching engines does come with its challenges, but we are all very excited to overcome each one of them and keep learning in the process! More behind-the-scenes info is coming very soon, so stay tuned!

