Introducing Beacon Support in Thanos Wallet

Madfish Solutions
Madfish Solutions
Published in
1 min readJul 20, 2020

MadFish team continues working on Thanos as it is one of the most exciting products for the whole Tezos community and we’re happy to deliver a new release with fixes and improvements.

The main highlight of this release is that we finally decided to add support for the TZIP-10 standard of wallet communication protocol.

Now you can interact with DApps supporting not only specifically Thano Wallets, but also a Beacon SDK.


Other changes that were introduced:

  • Implemented basic seed phrase backup page after wallet creation
  • Added a warning message in the case when users attempt to transfer their funds to themselves
  • Added derivation path banner on Reveal Seed Phrase page, so that it’s clear what derivation path is used by our wallet
  • Added link to the privacy information on Accept Terms checkbox
  • Fixed decimals UI issue in Asset field


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