The Things You Need to Consider for Your Coding Portfolio

Plus ideas for projects to code

Aphinya Dechalert


Image by Aphinya Dechalert

There’s been an explosion of new developers entering the field. The competition is often fierce — so how do you differentiate yourself for that dream role?

If you’re fresh out of Bootcamp, university, or the self-taught track, having a solid portfolio for your entry-level job application is a must-have addition to your resume.

Or, perhaps you’re looking to upgrade your paycheck, and after some shopping around, you’ve decided that it’s time to start making moves.

Here are some things you need to add to your portfolio that will help potential employers determine your suitability for the job.


CRUD is an essential part of every programming project that you’ll ever encounter. It’s actually one of the foundational actions that you need to know how to do for your chosen language and framework/library specialization.

This is because every interaction you’ll ever encounter falls into one of these things: create, read, update and delete.

If you can demonstrate CRUD, then it signals to your potential employer that you’re capable, at minimum, of making actual applications. It means that you can definitely hit the ground…



Aphinya Dechalert

Where Development Meets Storytelling: Tech Writer, Editor & Dev Advocate. Translating Complexity into Clarity. DM me.