Image by Aphinya Dechalert. Titled: React vs Angular for global dominance.

Why are developers still using Angular?

especially when everyone seems to be wanting React

Aphinya Dechalert
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2019


There is no doubt that React is causing a front end upheaval when it comes to choosing a method of coding interfaces. Angular feels like it’s been in the market for a long time. However, in reality, the framework as we currently know it was only released in 2016. React, initially released in 2013, only gained major publicity traction after Facebook changed their BSD license to MIT.

In hindsight, the Angular team should have called it something else since it is so far removed and very different from the original Angular.js and just let that one die a slow silent death.

So what’s the big deal with Angular? and why, exactly, are developers still using and recommending it?

Opinionated Architecture

React is more geared towards being as flexible as possible, giving developers the choice of architectures and structures. Angular, however, enforces a certain structure onto the project.

Angular operates on a highly opinionated architecture — which means that your Angular app has to be written in a certain way for things to work properly. While this may sound rigid, the major perk is that once you learn the structures, every Angular app that you’ll ever come…



Aphinya Dechalert

Where Development Meets Storytelling: Tech Writer, Editor & Dev Advocate. Translating Complexity into Clarity. DM me.