Help me run a company

Madhavan Malolan
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2019

I’m going to write about major decisions I make and mental models I develop. I’ll be writing once or twice a week. I’ll write about decisions I take, decisions I didn’t take, things I procrastinated on and most importantly the mental models I build.

I’m building a company for the first time. I have no shit clue about how to do it. I just make things up as I go. I read a lot, but in the end I just have to back myself because no one else has had the exact same set of problems as me. I do a lot of things wrong.

I talk to my founder friends when I’m stuck. It’s surprising how much there is to learn. If you are a founder or are a part of an early team, I would really appreciate your help. Tell me how I can do things better. Maybe someday I’ll return you the favor.

It’s going to be a lot of fun! Do let me know what you think. For this post and all the posts that follow. Cheers!

I’ll do all the writing here. Follow me here for the updates. But if you prefer to have it bundled in a weekly newsletter to your email, you can subscribe here :

