Login with Ethereum

Madhavan Malolan
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018


We have for long been aware of social plugins that allow us to login on various websites. I use Login with Twitter to login to write this post.

However, I can’t login from a different computer into CryptoKitties. The only way to access my kitties is if i am at my primary laptop.

This felt like a major step back. I decided to fix it.

There is no way to authenticate on Ethereum

No decentralized solution

OAuth that Facebook, Google and Twitter use for their service login use OAuth and are highly centralized. This is a major let down for any service that aims to be truely de-centralized.

No way to authenticate claims

As of today there is no good way to map a user to his or her Ethereum address.

No human readable identifiers

The only way to identify some entity on Ethereum is using the address, which is hard to remember and not human friendly at all.

No way to decouple identity from payment

Most authentication procedures i have seen on this use the public-private keys associated with the Ethereum address. So, if the keys are compromised — so are the Ethers.

No way to authenticate remotely

To login using a Ethereum account you usually need to have MetaMask installed on your browser and this browser is the only place where you can use the login. You cannot login from your iPad.

No way to authenticate without paying

Many solutions expect you to make a transaction and pay the transaction fees associated with it to merely login.

Non trivial to integrate

Using existing login mechanisms on Ethereum expect you to setup an Ethereum Node and use Web3 to authenticate.

Welcome DAuth

DAuth is decentralized

Building on the simplicity of OAuth, DAuth is a simple authentication protocol that doesn’t rely on a central authority. Anyone can setup their own DAuth servers

DAuth verifies address claims

DAuth provides a way for users to claim that they own a certain Ethereum address.

DAuth addresses are human readable

DAuth uses usernames instead of addresses. This makes it easy to remember identities.

DAuth is decoupled from payments

DAuth’s keys used for authentication are different from the ones used for Ethereum transaction signatures. This makes sure that the Ethers are never compromised

DAuth is in the cloud

Once registered, you can login using DAuth from any device anywhere in the world

DAuth is free

Users don’t have to make any payment to access the service.

DAuth is trivial to integrate

DAuth integration is very similar to an OAuth integration, no new technologies involved!

DAuth is open sourced!

Check out the Github Repo

I look forward to your comments.

Demo : dauth.co

Technical Overview

