Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2016


My Doors To Jannah

I long for your touch,
Your warm soft hands,
That would melt into mine,
Like feet when upon sand.

When I am sick,
I remember you,
And all those nights you
Stayed awake,
For my sake,
To sing me a lullaby,
So it would distract me from the pain.

And when I remember, I wish I did more.

I long for your presence,
Because, we could sit for a long time,
In silence,
Watching a football game,
Or marvelling at the sunrise on our way to school,
Yet still feel connected.

And when I remember, I wish I did more.

They say distance makes the hearts fonder,
That is definitely true.
But it also teaches you,
The significance of your presence,
Your warmth,
Your hug,
Your mercy,
Your care.

Because, though I will meet many people,
Who will love me,
None can match the love you gave,
The effort it took to raise me,
To hold my hand and take me out to the
Big, bad world,
Equipping me,
With the right tools and resources.

It was under your care I was shaded,
Till I eventually was set on my own journey,
To fulfil a greater potential and purpose,
Though it required us to separate.

There is nothing like a fathers protective wings,
And a mothers friendship.

And so,
I just want to say,
Mum and dad,
However many miles you are from me today,
I will always do my best to serve you,
Through Du’aa,
Through a simple text,
Asking, “How are you today?”

Through serving my new family in the best way,
Because that is what you taught me to do.

My doors to Jannah,
My king and queen,

Wherever destiny takes us,

I will always love you.

“O Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small.” (Qur’an — 17:24)



Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf

Mother of 3 | Author of ‘From Al-Aqsa to the Lote Tree’ | BA in Islamic Studies & Education |