Post-labour thoughts

Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017

I will never read Surah Maryam with the same understanding as I did before giving birth. Every pang of pain Maryam (as) felt, every moment she felt like she giving up, everytime she felt like she can’t do it, every tear, is now… so so relatable. I also recall saying those exact words. “I can’t do this anymore.” Except, for Maryam (as) it was a thousand times more difficult. She had to do it alone. There was no husband by her side, no midwife telling her to breath through every contraction, no mother or sister holding her hand. She only had Allah, and He for her, was enough.

And I will never look at my own mother, or any other mother like I used to. It takes more than strength, it takes a different level of sacrifice to tear your body apart to bring new life into this world. And if we truly understood that we would never judge another mother and we would increase in respect of our own mothers.

Before a mother becomes a mother she goes through challenges and weakness no man could ever endure. And that strength comes from no one but Him alone. I ask Allah to bless every mother out there whom speak so little of what they had to endure but speak so much of what they wish they could do more.

#Motherhood #AMothersLove



Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf

Mother of 3 | Author of ‘From Al-Aqsa to the Lote Tree’ | BA in Islamic Studies & Education |