The Child Scholar [‘Abdullah Ibn Abbas]

Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2014


So there’s an amazing book I once read about the child companions around the Messenger (salallahu alayhi wasallam). It was a beautiful book which highlighted the piety, taqwa, maturity and intelligence of the children at the time of the rise of Islam.

Today, I wanted to just discuss one of those companions. His name was Abdullah ibn Abbas who was born three years before the Hijrah. At the time ofthe Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam)’s death, he was only 13 years old.

Yet, he was able to accomplish so much before the messenger of Allah passed away. When Abdullah reached the age of discretion he attached himself to the service of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam), he would rush to fetch water for him to make wudhu with, and at other times he would stand behind the Prophet in prayer and accompany him on his journeys. Such that he became the shadow of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam).

As he grew physically, he also grew in his knowledge of the deen. He would rush to seek knowledge. He was a child who was enthusiastic and whose heart was pure and uncluttered allowing him to commit the Prophets words to memory.

The Prophet would often draw Abdullah Ibn Abbas close to him and make a beautiful Du’aa for him. He would say,”O Lord, make him acquire a deep understanding of the religion of Islam and instruct him in the meaning and interpretation of things.”

And undoubtedly, his Du’aa was accepted.

Abdullah Ibn Abbas became one of the most learned and knoweldgeble men. People, young and old, would go to him to ask him for a matter pertaining to a religion, and he would answer in accordance of what he learnt from attending the assemblies of the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wasallam) when he was alive.

As Abdullah’s knowledge grew, he grew in inner beauty as well as outer beauty. Masruq ibn al Ajda said of him: “Whenever I saw Ibn Abbas, I would say: He is the most handsome of men. When he spoke, I would say: He is the most eloquent of men. And when he held a conversation, I would say: He is the most knowledgeable of men.”

My question is, where are the Abdullah ibn Abbas’s of our Ummah? Do we, or our children even know of these child companions who dedicated their childhood, youth and adulthood in learning and spreading the deen?

Lets have high aspirations for our children and lets educate them about these beautiful people, so they aspire to be like them, inshaAllah.



Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf

Mother of 3 | Author of ‘From Al-Aqsa to the Lote Tree’ | BA in Islamic Studies & Education |