Turkey 2017

Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

For this Turkey trip we decided to do something different and stay with a family (airbnb) as we wanted to absorb the true Turkish culture and one way to do that was to stay with a Turkish family, experience how they live and learn more about the things to do and places to see around Istanbul since it’s their home town.

These are our hosts — Ali and Yildiz. The most kind, hospitable, trustworthy and loving people we’ve met in a long time. They knew the exact balance between giving us our space to catering for our needs.

We stayed at their house but never once did they make us feel like guests. We felt like family. From the way they gave us the keys and let us enter and exit the home whenever we wished to how they sat us down, served us Turkish tea and gave us maps and informed us of places to go, things to see, where to eat and where to shop.

One night, Yusuf woke up screaming with wind pain. We tried everything to settle him down but nothing worked. It was like 2am but Yildiz came down with a look of concern and tried helping us rock Yusuf to sleep. She cycled his legs, massaged his belly, and sang songs to him. She even went and warmed a water bottle and placed it on his belly. Let’s just say, it worked. :) She could see the look of exhaustion and worry on my face so she took my hand kissed it and said, “I’m your mama too!”

Every morning she’d take Yusuf to the garden, sing to him and play with him whilst we ironed.

Another time, we came home drained, hot and thirsty only to find that she had left us cold watermelon outside our room.

What’s amazing is that they new very few words of English. But that didn’t matter. They still found ways to show they cared and were concerned for us.

These people remind us that there is still good in this world amidst all the current hate that results from mere differences. They remind us how small acts and leave such big imprints on hearts.

Overall, throughout this trip we received so much love and care from the Turkish people. Yusuf especially got spoilt with lots of kisses and ice cream!

I feel like our hosts truly embodied good character and kindness to guests.

I pray Allah blesses them with every good in this world and the next and allows us to meet again ❤

Definitely recommend their place if anyone wishes to stay there, here’s the link to their air bnb profile: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/4216459?eal_exp=1507684593&eal_sig=f974dfd4271e41d45fe0b0f9e41787f437db6b9b74d832720923ab053265a86f&eal_uid=143797046&eluid=0&euid=a2f713d0-4abe-eb6b-29e6-00a9b41ede26



Madiyah Umm Yusuf
Madiyah Umm Yusuf

Mother of 3 | Author of ‘From Al-Aqsa to the Lote Tree’ | BA in Islamic Studies & Education |