Madproject #6 — Scribble

Divya Ramachandran
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2016

Project Scribble is an idea associated to a very common Tamil word called ‘Kirukkal’. The origins of this word have the roots pertaining to ‘Kirukku’ which means ‘mad’ or ‘crazy’ in the Tamil language, hence a great start to a new creative week named ‘Scribbles’ under the Mad Project. Doodling or scribbling has always been a way of expression on a sketchbook for artists for times to come. It always brings out the child in us in many ways, whether you’re a corporate IT guy or a designer at your finely assembled desk. The art of scribbling always gives an oomph to creativity as nothing concrete has to come out of it. It’s just the basic idea of letting your mind wander and penning down some intricate or random thoughts, that make it more fun and enjoyable. Here you are, Mad project ‘Scribble’.

Our each project is inspired by interesting people who do kickass pet-projects. This time we take opportunity to thank Mohana Parivallal for inspiring us to select Scribble as our theme.

Mohana describes her self.

“Being a medico.. U often tend to lose track of your hobbies.. Or I heard so more than often. That was one of the wrong notion that I want to get past in my life.. Service unto others ; but also do not let go of your dreams and passion. If you can sacrifice it.. It was never your passion in the first place. Hi, this is Mohana Parivallal. I am a doc and currently practicing for the past two years and focussing for my post graduations. I am an artist, and for which scribble had provided a platform for learning to become an heartist.

My current ventures are : Food photography and travel blogging.. Would love to explore more and also continue being an heartist as Adhitya (the show runner of mad project) would put it. I thank him profusely along with mad project team for this privilege.”


In Alphabetical Order.

Aditya Dhotre
Antony Jackson Cruz
Bhaskar D
Chitra Sudalaikannan
Divya Ramachandran
Lakshana Raja
Mohana Parivallal
Priya Moni
Ramya Vardhan
Shweta Telkhade
Sripathy Ramesh
Syed Haqil
Syed Mohamed Anees
Vidya Kumaresan

What is Madproject?

Madproject started as a self initiated concept to exercise our creative muscles, we don’t seek any monetary benefit from this initiative.

Few projects can be really fun and challenging when we collaborate together, Madproject is one of those kind. We realised that the best teamwork comes from people who are working independently toward one goal.

MadProject is not restricted to just the usual art forms such as pen and paper. Do feel free to be as creative as possible in any medium that excites you. So let those creative juices flow, creating great art in any medium ranging from photography to your kitchen experiments. So feel free to explore our themes in any method that excites you.


These might not pay for themselves directly, but they do eventually pay off.
By doing things you like, and spotting how to do that, you’re learning something new. You’re pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone, and you never know where it might take you.

When you support people and encourage them, you’ll be inspiring them to see the best in themselves.

The whole idea is to gather creative enthusiasts’, where we can feel enlivened, taught, associated, and above all, cherished!

If this idea really excites you, then do shoot a mail to, we will keep you counted.

Thanks for your time :)

