A Seven Minute Spotlight!

Ramya Vardhan


First of all, I would like to thank Madrasters, a design and art community, for giving an opportunity like Limelight, to present my journey of Art, in the meetup. I should say that it was the first time I got to showcase my art works on stage. Thankyou Madrasters.

I joined Madrasters a couple of years back in 2015 and it has been a great learning for me since then.

Since childhood, I always knew that I was driven and fascinated by Art. Experimenting different forms of art was the most lovable thing for me, on earth. On top of that, this limelight opportunity has not only let me exhibit my art works, but also let my capability to present my art works in my own way.

In that limelight session, I was glad and happy to bring 3 important art journey to limelight.

But,………… I decided to showcase my artworks bit more interestingly.

In the form of guessing game.……..

Hence, the game started….

First Journey

I didn’t want to say anything about this journey but, wanted the audience to take guess(or now the readers) on what art was showcased.

  1. Guess the name of the logos
Logos in Zentangle

2. Second, guess the name of animals sketched in the Alphabets

Animal Alphabets in Zentangle

3. Next, guess the Zodiac signs

4. Next, I want you to guess the relationship

If you would have observed all the art works above, you would be able to notice one peculiar thing.

Yes, you are rite. Everything was filled with patterns inside.This form of art with patterns is called ‘Zentangle’. And to know more about my journey through Zentangle, you can checkout my small research and its documentation here.

To wanna know or more guess on each of the above sets, hit the following links

  1. Logos in Zentangle
  2. Animal Alphabets in Zentangle
  3. Zodiac Signs through Zentangle
  4. Love through Zentangle

Second Journey

The second journey I shared was about pencil sketching. Driven by various shades of pencil and the magic it created on paper, I started doing Portraits of famous personalities.

And…., it was time for audience to guess the personalities.

I felt more happy as the audience guessed the names correctly. To see more of the portraits I sketched, remember to checkout here.

Third Journey

Last but not least, I was happy to showcase my experiments in Digital Sketch.
Yes, a point in time came, when I decided to start my venture on Digital Works.

It was Navratri time already and the Mambalam area where I live in, urged me to do a small research on Navratri and Navadurga. And hence are few outcomes(Kushmanda, Siddharthini, Katyayini) of Navdurga in Digital Sketch

If you would like to view more of this set, check this link out.

Who am I?

Finally, there came a place where I had to answer the audience as to who am I and what made me pursue theses journeys. The fellow audience and dear readers can know me as Ramya Vardhan, not an artist or designer by profession, but a Product Developer in a SaaS based company.
Yes, 5 days of Coding and 2 days of Art is what drives my life. Art is the ice breaker and life saver for me. And I strongly believe that,

“I am tiny bit in a mighty ocean”

And I would like to explore more on these journey.

Once again,

I would like to thank Madrasters for this wonderful opportunity and I thank the wonderful audience there and the readers here for being a wonderful sport to take part in guessing games.

P.S: As continuation, you can also guess where am I in the above snap :)

Happy Day! :)

