My first presentation is with Madrasters

Krishnan Kannappan


How I jumped off.

It was partial Corona lockdown, I was attending the Sand Art by Madrasters on 30 Jan 2021. I enjoy breaking the silence by someone else and Jack Anto asked about me and how my job was going. Then he suggested me to do a presentation in Madraster events. He found my hesitation and told to do a presentation atleast in Pre Meet up session. With a positive mind set, I accepted it. I learnt it is relaxing to do the first presentation on a topic of my choice. I proposed the presentation title as “Six Brain Hacks” and asked him for a preparation time of 1 month.

The Pre-meet up session fixed on 13th March, I have not been better prepared and but I didn’t want to miss the wonderful opportunity given by Jack Anto. Trying to keep myself in a going forward mood, and also I am aware of going to an event 30 mins before will give a better advantage to my mind, on the day of Pre-meet event, I entered the Prob Factory exactly 30 mins before the meeting starts. I claim that is my first success. Watching people entering the meeting room increased the pumping inside my body. I see some great speakers of Madrasters and senior members entering the room.

The changing moment

The Pre-meet up event started at 8.00 am. The first event was an ice breaker session conducted by Daniel. It broke the silence in the room and I actively participated to keep comfort myself.

Then, I started the presentation with a thanks note to Jack for the opportunity. In a few seconds, I felt falling short for words, some sought of nervousness, but quickly recovered from it.

Six Brain Hacks

The Presentation “Six Brain Hacks” is about handling our brain based on its behaviour and targeting the maximum achievement in our life. I have shown in the presentation some statistical facts, and real time scenarios. In the presentation, I gave a perspective changing engagement to the audience that is the audience should frame a right phrase from contextually arranged words. Somehow, I have covered about the six brain hacks teaching, meditation, change it up, note by hand, short burst, and mental spacing.


During feedback session, I understood, the presentation is an engaging one, but not a complete one due to a short of explanation on some topics. I received a straight forward feedback that my presentation is 50% good. During audience interaction, I found the richness in the knowledge of the audience and their deep understanding of brain behaviour. I feel presentation helps me to make myself more confident in what I know, and boast the confidence to open a dialogue with others.

This is my first presentation in front of a group of people but I am in a disguise of a good presenter, but someone from the audience identified it.

Thanks to MADRASTERS for creating opportunities to bring up people like me.

