Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2018


Not Just another Saturday…

When people ask me, which is my favorite day of the week? I simply say “Saturday”. That’s a day I cherish the most ‘cos I can peacefully doze off, avoiding cab calls and enjoy a blissful feeling of having another day off. But this time, Nov 24th 2018 was not to be!

When my phone beeped reminding me about the Madrasters’ meetup, I was confused, ‘whether to pull up the blanket close’ or ‘to wake up’. Before I could make up my mind, my mom shook me off from my deep slumber. From that moment, until I reached the IIT Madras Research Park campus, I was quite indifferent the day has started so far, quite unlike my lovely lazy, fun”

As I reached the venue, few known faces showed up. I registered myself and while doing so, was asked to pick a card which had Quick Response Code (QR Code) for feedback form on one side and gradient combos on other side. While interesting gradient patterns with different aesthetic color combinations were available, I chose the purple to pink gradient (me, being a purple lover)

The session began, and it was Mr. Suhail’s show. He welcomed everyone by announcing the title “World of Micro Interactions”. He started with a welcome note and moved on to next fun part “Activity”. Now, all my laziness was gone & I was by now wide-awake, ready & kicking for the action (activity). I seem to take a special liking to this activity part, as it not only brings out creative ideas, but also provides a great opportunity to network with people. The activity theme was to “re-brand Maggi and Milk Bikis”. The teams were chosen, on the basis of the gradient cards picked by us during the registration process (quite a creative thought I must say)

As a group, we presented many ideas and started working on the project. Each team presented their unique ideas to the forum. Upon completion of each teams, we moved to the 1st seminar of the day by Mr. Prob. He emphasized on “The Era of Micro Interactions”, and his session was quite interactive, thanks to the Q&A offerings!

Next was the “The Networking Break”, another opportunity for folks to reach out to the mentors, their badges, based on their designation. Time to connect with the Industry Experts.

The next session was the “Limelight Session”, for designers to showcases their works. I personally appreciate this idea, as it provides a platform, to encourage people who have created a niche in chosen area of expertise. Satish, an expert in Isometric Illustrations, showcased his work, which was well acknowledged.

The second seminar of the day was by Vishnu Srini, who gave a vivid presentation about “Micro-Interactions”. His session was terrific, because he elevated the seminar from mere presentations to “working-in-live”, and the audience for sure loved it.

The seminar was concluded by Jack Anto, who gave some details about Madrasters and thanked the organizing team for the efforts.

Kudos to Team Madrasters: I just realized Saturdays can be much more Creative, Informative & Fun too…

