Washing Your Dog with Boiled Madre de Cacao Leaves

Shenmi Lim
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2017
image from http://www.stuartxchange.org/Kakawati.html

If you live in a tropical urban setting you might have this legume tree growing around your backyard. Often, it isn’t that hard to find in the Philippines and other regions of Southeast Asia. Used as shade for other crops or as backyard fencing, getting a bunch of leaves and boiling them might help in possible insane vet bills if you are treating your dogs skin issues.

From minor sores to very itchy skin, madre de cacao is a multipurpose herbal treatment effective against both sarcoptic and demodectic mange, its antiseptic and anti-parasitic properties makes it a miracle cure for many conditions that would otherwise eat your budget should you decide modern synthetic treatments.

I have limited budget for the stray animals I often decide to foster. Recently, I realized how much it costs to get veterinary treatment on mange. It is such a challenge to find alternative ways to treat mange even madre de cacao products that are commercially available are also EXPENSIVE. This is how I came up with www.madredecacao.com to deliver products that are superior quality at a fraction of the cost.

But if you can find this legume around your backyard (or your neighbors’ ) please do not hesitate to follow the instructions below for an effective wash against mange.

  1. Choose to go for very fresh leaves — the potency of the wash you are making relies on how fresh the tannins and other extracts. Using almost dried up leaves will not deliver the same results.
  2. Ratio is 1:1 / weight — Other people have a different ratio. But I choose my proportions based on weight instead. Makes it more effective and less confusing. For example, a kilo of madre de cacao leaves must be boiled in 1 kilo water. The resulting liquid you can then use as final rinse after bathing your dog.
  3. Grind or break leaves before boiling — this will help you extract more of the natural chemicals essential for healing. Just boiling the leaves as is will not extract as much good stuff into to the solution, because each leaf has a protective wax and without grinding or crushing the leaves will not get the tannins and chemicals out of the leaves. Using your conventional blender is a good way to start, if you don’t have it, simply crush the leaves or use a knife to break it into smaller pieces.
  4. Final rinse — do not rinse it off your dog (or other pets) coat. Leave it on for a while before toweling. This ensures that the skin under the coats absorbs a potent amount of the rinse.

What about other preparations?

There are many other ways to prepare madre de cacao rinse. This is just my way of doing it which proved to be very effective. The key is to find something that you think works. In relatively large amounts, madre de cacao is not toxic to dogs, cats and humans even though it is used as a pesticide. However, I would not recommend that it be consumed orally in large doses, for one, it is not very palatable.

If you don’t have the fresh madre de cacao. Check out our shop, we offer products prepared delicately to ensure potency of the extracts.

Originally published at madredecacao.com on December 7, 2017.

