14 Common Misconceptions About Eco Friendly Clothing

Divyanshu Chaturvedi
Published in
9 min readMar 16, 2022

14 Common Misconceptions About Eco Friendly Clothing

Trying to be a little more environmentally friendly sometimes feels like nothing short of a full-time job. Between figuring out what sort of food is the most sustainable and determining whether or not your clothing is truly eco-friendly, these days, it can seem as though we have no time for anything else. But wait! Did you know that you can reduce your impact on Mother Earth without making serious sacrifices? There’s still room for luxury! In fact, there are a number of common misconceptions about eco-friendly clothing out there.

Check out the list below to learn more — and to help shed some light on this murky subject. In this article you will find 14 common myths about eco friendly clothing and what the facts really are.

Eco-Friendly clothing isn’t comfortable

Eco friendly clothing is a hot topic. It’s a subject that everyone seems to have an opinion on. Some people say that they feel a cold chill while wearing organic cotton clothing while others say they feel abnormally warm when wearing some eco friendly clothing pieces. This misconception leads us to think that organic and eco-friendly clothing isn’t comfortable. However, organic cotton clothing can be just as comfortable as any other form of clothing if you choose the right type of material. In this article, we will look at what makes eco friendly clothing comfortable and also look at some tips on how to find good quality eco friendly clothes your family will love.

Eco-Friendly clothing isn’t durable

One of the most common misconceptions about eco friendly clothing is that it’s not durable. Eco friendly clothing is just as durable as your average pair of jeans. If you choose to be eco friendly, you do not have to sacrifice style or quality. Eco friendly clothing also doesn’t cost a lot more than your average pair of jeans. There are plenty of stylish options out there in the eco friendly wardrobe which cost only a couple dollars more than their non-eco-friendly counterparts. Once you’re done reusing and recycling your eco friendly clothing, it can be recycled again. In fact, many clothing brands that make products with organic cotton will take back and recycle old clothing so it doesn’t go into the landfills. One of the best reasons to buy something that is eco friendly is simply because it will last longer and has smaller carbon footprint designations as well.

You don’t need to be a hippie to wear Eco-Friendly clothing

Wearing eco-friendly clothing is a trend that’s been around for quite some time now. It’s only natural that adaptations of the trend would occur. Take clothes, made from hemp, for example. They’ve been abused to the point that you’d need to be a hippie (or a “hipster”) to wear clothing made from hemp. Beyond hemp people also mistakenly believe your clothes can be 100% compostable or biodegradable (they can’t), they think no dyes are used when in reality they are, and worst of all they think it’s okay to wear clothing made from real fur.

However, now the idea of wearing eco friendly clothing is becoming more mainstream, and has even been referred to as a “trend” by some. But you don’t have to be one of those crazy hippies at the local park, who smells funny and has a tree branch growing out of their beard.

It isn’t easy being Eco-Conscious

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the terms “eco friendly” and “organic” when it comes to clothing. People who are truly eco-aware tend to be considerate of the environment, so finding out whether the clothes they’re wearing are organic is important. But is organic clothing really what you think it is?

Many people are “going green” these days when it comes to their lifestyle. This is great! However, being green doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice convenience. As a matter of fact, one of the best ways to help the environment is to choose eco-friendly clothing. Let’s look at some myths people typically associate with eco-friendly clothing and the truth about each myth.

We don’t actually have any fashionable Eco-Friendly clothing options to choose from

Life style is the biggest draw for fashion lovers. People love to wear fashionable clothes because of a large number of reasons. They look good and stylish, offer convenience and make their wearers stand out easily in a crowed area. Eco-Friendly clothes are no different from regular ones in these aspects. Brands incorporated large number of fashion products into their business plans that came up with some trendy Eco-Friendly clothing options which are environment friendly and contribute to a healthier planet.

Eco-friendly fashion is growing by leaps and bounds every year, so there are plenty of options out there.

Buying sustainable clothing is too expensive

When it comes to sustainable clothing, many people think that the price tag is what makes clothing “green.” In fact, consumers are often led to believe that eco-friendly clothing is more expensive because of its quality. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

We agree that the price of organic clothing is “slightly” higher due to the numerous costs that arise from producing organic clothing. These often include expensive water and air purification systems to maintain cleanliness at all stages of production.

Although it also really depends on your budget and the brands of clothing you want to buy, eco friendly clothing shouldn’t be considered expensive. It helps if you stick to basics like organic cotton or polyesters that can also be recycled or reused. There are ways in which you can find organic clothes at a cheaper price as well.

Eco-friendly fabrics will lose shape / quality over time.

Are you starting off or expanding an eco friendly clothing line? Then you are probably eager to know about misconceptions about eco friendly clothing that you should not fall for — regardless of your starting budget. One common misconception is that eco friendly fabrics will lose shape and quality over time.

Don’t believe the hype that natural fibers aren’t as durable as synthetic fabrics. Eco-friendly fabrics are breathable, biodegradable, and recyclable. They are much better at controlling moisture (wicking), insulating, and keeping comfortable temperatures. In short, they make you feel good and look good. So whether your thing is yoga or surfing, a pair of eco-friendly pants will keep you feeling great all day.

Our Planet is already doomed, so what point is there in yuying Sustainable Clothing?

Some people go out of their way to ‘do the right thing’ when it comes to buying cheap eco clothing, organic food and reusable cups. But then there are those who think that our planet is already doomed, so what point is there in buying sustainable clothing?

When it comes to a sustainable and eco friendly fashion industry, I believe that educating people on the importance of green clothing is a huge factor in changing people’s perspective towards their decisions. Choosing to buy sustainable clothing instead of non-sustainable clothing is not only better for the environment but is also better for yourself.

One of the main benefits of sustainable clothing is that it not only has a smaller impact on our planet but also is more resourceful than other pieces that are made.

Buying organic cotton doesn’t make a difference because it takes more water to grow organic cotton than conventional cotton anyways.

This is one of the most common eco friendly clothing misconceptions. It’s true that it takes more water to grow organic cotton, however organically grown cotton avoids the use of chemical herbicides and pesticides. It also prevents the use of genetically modified seeds, leaving a smaller carbon footprint in the end. When you think about it, it’s better for everyone!

The World of Sustainable Designers is completely untouched by Corporate Influence

Did you know that the sustainability movement is actually only about 20 years old? It’s true. And we feel like it has grown so quickly because it was necessary. But in reality, sustainable brands are just as new as non-sustainable ones. Being a small industry means that there’s not much room for big players to move in and get huge profits like they have in more mainstream industries like consumer goods or technology. Those companies rely on fast expansion while sustainability companies prefer to take their time building a better foundation before moving faster than sustainable growth would allow them to.

Every single item of Sustainable Clothing needs to be tied to a Bigger Cause

Eco-friendly clothing has become a significant aspect of the fashion community these days. This new wave of fashion is associated with various concepts and ideas, just like any other movement. There are a lot of people which consider eco-friendly clothing as a voluntary choice in order to reduce their carbon footprint, some see it as an idealistic way to “save the planet” and even more perceive it as a trend that they can jump on to in order to get rid of old clothes. While all of these concepts are great, there are also a wealth of misconceptions about what sustainable clothing actually means.

Practically every single item of Sustainable Fashion is Homogeneous in style and design

In style and in design, there is a wide variety of eco friendly clothing to choose from. Whether you are looking for men’s or women’s clothing, you’ll find that you have more selection in the eco friendly section of your favorite store than elsewhere. However, more than a third (34%) of those surveyed across America believe that most clothing made from natural materials is outdated and dull in both style and design. It has been said that most “green” styles closely resemble one another; this is not entirely accurate! The fact of the matter is that people tend to express their personal taste when dressing themselves and many do not care whether or not their clothes are natural or synthetic- they simply want them to look good.

When the term ‘eco friendly clothing’ comes into play, the common image that comes to mind is a typical pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt. The misconception is that eco friendly clothing is limited to one choice of style and design. While it’s true that there are certain styles we consider more Earth-friendly than others, there are also a number of fashionable and attractive sustainable textiles available in today’s marketplace.

Bamboo Textiles Are the Most Earth Friendly Fabric Out There for Sustainable Fashion

Bamboo clothing has been made popular by celebrities, eco-friendly fashionistas, and green-minded shoppers. But are bamboo textiles the most earth friendly fabric out there? Are they better than hemp or organic cotton? There has been a lot of debate lately over bamboo textiles.

When it comes to sustainability, we’re constantly hearing about new and emerging materials that are better for the environment. There’s a common misconception, however, that bamboo fibers or fabrics are the most earth-friendly fabric on the market when it comes to clothing production. In fact, natural fabrics like cotton and wool still beat out bamboo.

We Are Already Spending Far Too Much Time and Money on Fashion As it Is! Why Should we Also Feel Guilty About Making a Non-Sustainable Choice?

Are you looking to buy eco-friendly clothing? Chances are that you are, seeing as 90% of consumers say they want more clothing options by eco-friendly brands. There is nothing wrong with this, and we do like to spend far too much time and money on fashion as it is! However, when we choose to buy something that is non-sustainable, it can feel like we’re making a conscious decision against an environment that we’re also trying to protect. The fact of the matter is quite simple: we don’t have time for all this guilt. Sustainability should be the goal of our generation; but recycling, buying reusable bags from your local grocery store, sustainable water bottles…the list goes on. Most people don’t feel like this kind of shopping even deserves to be called “shopping”. So maybe you choose a sustainable jacket, then find out it’s made from toxic chemicals that could ruin the environment anyway.


Hopefully, this list has helped clear up some common misconceptions about eco friendly clothing. Madsbay is a brand that was built on being eco friendly and sustainable, so hopefully after reading this you will consider us for your next purchase. Madsbay uses the unique “made to order” production system, source blanks ethically, use eco-friendly, recycled materials and carbon neutral transportation methods to produce their lovely clothing. Madsbay delivers internationally as well as domestically, so no matter where you live and what you want to buy (accessories or clothes), you can find something you like at Madsbay!

Originally published at https://madsbay.eu on March 16, 2022.



Divyanshu Chaturvedi

Father. Husband. Tech Entrepreneur. I’m passionate about where the possibilities of tech can take us. Co-Founder at Madsbay