Will Eco Friendly Clothing Ever Rule the World?

Divyanshu Chaturvedi
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2022
Will Eco Friendly Clothing Ever Rule the World?

So, a friend of mine asked me the other day, “if you had to make a guess, would you think that eco-friendly clothing will ever be a big deal?” It was strange to me that he would ask this question. I started thinking about the way people get dressed and the impact of their decisions. Then something became clear: I’m not sure if it’s going to be a “big deal” or not. In order to improve the eco-footprint of your wardrobe, it’s important to be conscious of the products you use during the clothing manufacturing process. It’s also imperative to choose production methods that have less of an impact on our planet.

The eco friendly clothing market is set to rise to $10 billion by 2025.

The eco Friendly clothing market is set to rise to $10 billion by 2025. With growing awareness about the environment and harmful effects of chemicals in clothing, millions of manufacturers around the world are adopting natural and organic varieties for production. These clothing pieces are not only healthy, but are also stylish.

There are many environmentally friendly clothing brands now in the market. Eco-friendly fashion refers to a form of sustainable design that is created from ecological sources, both renewable and recycled. The environmental impact of textiles is significant as synthetic fibers make up 94% of our clothing production due to its affordability and availability.

It’s becoming more mainstream as eco friendly clothing brands are offering a wider range of styles and sizes.

While some people may argue that eco-friendly fashion is still a ‘niche’, there’s no denying that it’s becoming more mainstream. Echoing the recent boom in sustainable living, eco friendly clothing brands are offering a wider range of styles and sizes to fit our changing lifestyles.

Over the years, consumers have been bombarded by claims about clothing brands’ efforts to protect the environment. In addition, advocates of environmentally responsible shopping have tried their best to remind everyone of the environmental impact that is associated with most clothing. However, as time has progressed, there have been more and more companies who have sprung up offering environmentally friendly options for everything from babies to adult apparel.

Slow fashion has been adopted by many stores, but there’s more work to be done.

Have you ever heard of slow fashion? Slow fashion is still in its “infancy” stages but it’s something we should all be aware of. Slow fashion aims to change the way we consume clothing and has been gaining momentum in recent years as more people seek affordable and sustainable options.

Some people still don’t buy sustainable clothing because they can’t find what they’re looking for at affordable prices.

Some people still don’t buy sustainable clothing because they can’t find what they’re looking for at affordable prices. As you go out and start searching for, or creating sustainable fashion, one of the biggest challenges that you may face is whether or not it’s too expensive for the average person. This can be a big obstacle for brands on a limited budget and even those that aren’t. Today’s consumers are becoming more eco friendly in their choices of what to wear, eat, and use in their daily life. Does this mean that sustainable clothing and accessories are going to rule the world?

There is a growing market for sustainable clothing which is good news for the environment. Prices are falling and new shops that stock sustainable clothing are opening all the time. They’re great options but many people still don’t pick them. There are some great companies that make eco-friendly, sustainable clothing. You will pay more compared to a normal tee at Walmart but sometimes, you can get it for a cheaper price if you look hard enough.

Some people still don’t buy sustainable clothing because they don’t realize it exists or can look great.

When we talk about clothing being environmentally friendly, people usually think it means you have to sacrifice style. That isn’t true though. If you’ve ever shopped online or in stores for eco-friendly fashion, you’ll know that there are plenty of options out there. You can visit your local mall, order sustainable clothing online and find it on Amazon — or even make it yourself.

There are still plenty of customers that prefer fast fashion brands over sustainable ones, even with the rise in popularity of slow fashion and other sustainable movements.

The clothing industry is one of the biggest polluted industries, with an estimated 60–80% of all textile products being trashed after a single use. While slow fashion brands have taken over and started to push traditional fast fashion brands off the high streets. Many consumers and companies still refuse to get behind sustainability as an investment and initiative in fashion.

When it comes to embracing the sustainable movement, there are some companies that rage against the machine. Madsbay is one of those companies. The brand has made an effort to support environmental protections, implement the bold “made to order” process, build a more ethical supply chain, and speak out against regulation rollbacks. In contrast, there is an entirely different type of company: one that takes advantage of fast fashion trends and uses them to their financial advantage (where are my finger-pointing emojis?). These companies are way more popular in reputation as Madsbay. Moreover, they still have customers that flock to their retail locations in search of fashionable clothing. The fight is ongoing.


Will eco friendly clothing ever rule the world? Yes, I think it will with the current demand for sustainable brands and the growth of slow fashion. While the eco friendly clothing market is going to continue growing, there’s still plenty of work that needs to be done to get more people on board with ethical clothing.

Originally published at https://madsbay.eu on March 1, 2022.



Divyanshu Chaturvedi

Father. Husband. Tech Entrepreneur. I’m passionate about where the possibilities of tech can take us. Co-Founder at Madsbay