How to Breed your 2nd Generation B.Duckling

The MADworld Team
MAD Magazine by MADworld
2 min readFeb 20, 2022


First, you go to the B.Duck website

You will be able to see the new breeding info at the first glance.


If the first page is not visible, you can scroll down the page for breeding Icon.

You will be able to see the two tabs “FAMILY” and “MINT B.DUCKLING”.

From the Family tab, you will be able to access the B.Ducks you hold.

Click “Connect Wallet”.

For Breeding, you can access the “Mint B.Duckling” tab.

Click on the “Choose B.Duck” section and select the Founding Feathers that you want to use to breed.

If your Founding Feathers has been chosen, check the cost in UMAD for breeding and click the “LETS MINT” button.

Once it is done, you will be able to see the minted mystery egg for the 2nd Generation B.Duckling and it will hatch in 5 days.

About MADworld — the Multiverse Artist Defender (MAD)

MADworld offers an NFT Origination Platform and NFT Marketplace which use blockchain technology to defend the artists, artwork, creators, and content that enter the untraversed multiverse. MADworld supports NFT minting to validate ownership and provenance of physical art, collectibles, and products and original content developed from live concerts, sporting events, artist battles, and other modes of creative expression. MADworld is designed to give creators complete control over their NFT strategy, supporting them by maximizing the income and impact from their intellectual property in perpetuity. For more information and updates about MADworld, visit:

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The MADworld Team
MAD Magazine by MADworld

More Than A NFT Platform — MADworld is an exciting and innovative ecosystem which focuses its energies on providing value, security and provenance to Artists, C