Maestro Server 0.5 its launched

Felipe Signorini
Maestro Server - Cloud Analytics
3 min readFeb 28, 2019

We have great news, version 0.5 it’s launched coming with 2 great features.

Maestro came to help its operation to keep update with multicloud environment, bring a single pane of glass for all cloud providers, help to maintain documentation update date, made for support production team, devops culture and SRE engineers.

We focus on improving stability system, create a elegant chart for each report and implement history track function. For each report maestro will aggregate all data and show on elegant charts, this functionally power up a capacity of visualization and understand our infrastructure, and history track came to help to visualize all changed on your env, include a human update or a cloud provider update and the last, this version came to put maestro in another level of stability, there are a lot of bugfix made.

Use tags for set application on servers

You can configure tags to automatic save the server on an application.

Association between application and servers [Break change]

Early version, use application entity to relate server and application, on 0.5 this shift in way, now all information about this relation its on server entity, this changed are required to enable the possibility of this feature.

Elegant charts

We improve reports section, now reports app aggregate all data and transform an elegant chart, Maestro its smart to understand with fields can be aggregate and create then.

Understand your cloud, per resource category.

Its easy to visualize if the datacenter are zone balanced, and the infra size.

Easy to see if you datacenter are balanced.

Audit service can be tracking all updates

Keep tracking of all updated information, did by human or by cloud provider,

See all changes in a simple timeline page

Sync a relation data

Version 0.5 fixes a bug regarding cache outdated, now if you change any hostname your app name, this change will be flush for all association resource.

Create a security system using private tokens [Security fix]

All services are security by default using handshake jwt token for each private request. You can create a custom secret key, then all services will only receive data on this group.

Reports can be update

You can edit filters of an existed report and update the data, then you can use schedule maestro system to maintain some reports update.


  • Delete user on acl entity
  • Flush weak relation with audit app
  • Error handler on Analytics maestro
  • Improve External Lib for python services.
  • Update contract docs
  • Updated user guide docs
  • Update third libs.
  • Improve mobile UI
  • Add report schedule

New Services

  • Audit App: Receive all data and process the diff of each data, hook with outers service to flush data ou automatic a report or analytics process.

If you want to know about the system development and participate, it is a totally open source.

