Master Server — Inventory for Multi-Cloud Environment

Felipe Signorini
Maestro Server - Cloud Analytics
4 min readJun 28, 2018

Today I am officially launching my opensource project the Maestro Server, basically, Maestro is an inventory of servers and services with cloud culture in mind (Cloud Inventory), mapping and organizing hybrid environments.

What problems does it solve?

Maestro was built to solve some problems faced in the operation of multicloud environments, multi-shared devops culture and multiple clients, where it becomes hard to (a) keep track of the lastest environment state, (b) apply a compliance in all teams, © accurately visualize your infrastructure state, (d) manage access for internals employees and (e) maintain the documentation up-to-date.

  • How can we audit our environments?
  • How can we control and keep track of our environment?
  • How can we guarantee if our documentation is up-to-date?
  • Which servers belong to a given client?

Everywhere I’ve worked there is always the complicated task of how to document and keep up-to-date an Ops-level environment, how to make it visible and up-to-date for a team, servers, relationships between servers, how to maintain a lot of documentation, and how it safely. Most of the time using notes in Evernote and spreadsheets in the shared drive of the team members, IAM control is theoretically easy, but in real life, it always came up against small problems, which always ended in standard keys with full access. the situation begins to get more sensitive when we actually start working with the cloud.

Documentation of complex systems

How to document that immutable and complex system keep it updated, that autoscaling, serverless, containerization, how to document it so ops? By market, standard resorting to the Atlassian combo, confluence + Jira, and honestly mitigate the problem further passes far in solving it.

The documentation is the employees themselves, handwritten scripts are shared, when shared poorly explained, an adaptation of new employees is a time-consuming task, and the visibility of everything is bordering on the impossible, legacy system will always be a ghost of the past, accessing features appears in the existence after facing a beautiful post-mortem.

If in microservices, monitoring and telemetry are the heart of the architecture, why not have the documentation and maps attached to it, and through this idea thinking about this problem that I developed the Maestro Server, a unified platform for multi-clouds and multi-services environments aiming to bring the business together with the operation.

Visualization of clients, systems, applications, and servers.

The great difference of the Maestro in relation to others is in the fact that it brings a little of the business to the inventory, we can relate which clients own which systems, and which systems use which services, in a unified and with a more intuitive interface.

In the same way, we can visualize the entire machine park in a single interface, segregate according to the client, we can easily view all the environments of a certain client, even if they are in several providers, we can organize which servers are used by which applications.

The documentation, can make available to all new employees an application endpoints, monitoring systems, deploy configurations and the relationships between each system in a macro way, be improving the flow and taking of action in operations, fully thinking of facilitating the culture devops .

All this in a simple, and totally open source, ready here the main advantages of Maestro Server:

· Real state view of the environment

> Auto Discovery that ensures the status update of all servers

· Ease of evaluating compliances

> Visualization of security groups, access keys and name formation in all environments

· Advanced reports

> You can create and view complex reports

· Robust access system

> You can control the granular access of each employee.

I prepared a presentation showing some screens and the problems that he solves.

If you want to know about the system development and participate, it is a totally open source.

