12 april

Can we answer №4?

Mason Shor
1 min readApr 12, 2018


What are our mediums, contexts, and why are they appropriate?

Medium, large poster, 30x40 or larger. Multiple color or catch iterations to create series based on working process.

Mounted within poster, small impactiful box of cards. Take a card, the call to action is the main piece of the card. Use the card to direct the audience to the digital piece.

Well it’s important that each piece work to together but also work alone, each piece has to convey our entire message.


Lets separate the large poster and the handehld physical object, the large poster stand alone, the heldheld object uses a smaller poster form to distribute itself.

What is our digital component?

Social experiment/interaction video.

Two individuals reach out to friends they have not contacted for a while. We want them to get together to go through some sort of game or just catch up in some way with the friend. We are going to prompt interaction and possibly mix in some interview components. Also some quick animation of the text conversations that took place to promp the live action interactions. This piece acts as validation in an easily digestible format that our adience could enjoy.

