Mason Shor
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018

We shot the video, the little game we had them play wasn’t extremely successful in terms of bwing able to be used for the final video but I think it did a good job of getting the guys to talk about the experience of essentially using our system which is good. I have issolated the shots necissary to create a storry about this. Along with the addition of some text slides in after effects I think its going to be good.

I can’t upload the raw footage to vimeo rn because of file size but I will outline the story I think I will be able to tell.

Order isn’t set in stone I’m not sure about how I will do it I think mixing up the order of events will be interesting.

Here are the shots I have.

I have Jeremy and Jake introducing themselves.

They describe the friend group they’re a part of and how they met.

They tell a story they have together.

We have them playing “the game” I think we actually wont use this, I will just say they caught up essentially something along those lines.

Jeremy explains what I had him do.

Jake explains what happened on his end, about jeremy reaching out.

Jeremy talks about their relationship, how they live close but still barely see eahother. Says how its nice to just hit someone up that you havn’t seen in a while.

Jake checks his messages with Jeremy sees he flaked on him last time they talked about a month ago. Talks about how socially busy they are, might not have really spent much time together. It was easier to hang out in the past before other things came up in their lives, also deffinitely happens with a lot of people, the way college life goes people lives tend to diverge. Talks about how it takes time to stay connected. (Maybe I won’t use all of this because I’m not sure it is totally helpful.)

Jake wax’s philosophical on his social situation about how he has very recently actually started to try and reach out and see his friends more often even though it’s finals season becasue he worries about being away from evryone over the summer.

I am pretty confident in this acting as strong validation for our system. I need to work with the timeline to make sure it is engaging and makes sense, tells the story in an interesting way just works as a story essentially. I also need to add text and graphic elements in both after effects and photoshop to make sure the story can be followed, so they can follow our process. Also probably best to do some visual editing just make sure the video looks really nice and some appropriate sound, a very low background music.

I need to tack on the animation’s done for the catch and call to action probably on the front as well as the written validaiton probably on the end. I think I will also eliminate the scene where they tell the O week story, people just have to trust they’re friends. Also when the video compiled I feel like the text I added anti-aliassed really badly so when I put it tinto the final Ae file I will either animate over the text with a new layer shouldnt be a problem, hopefully it is because I neeeded to use a reese computer and they have old software on them, I havn’t had any problems with this exporting on my computer. I also want to play with putting some of the text on top of the actual video, that will make some of the cuts nicer I think. And adding some music to the intro and outro like I’ve said before.

We are happy with the content of the video. I have to grind in after effects to add little text bubbles for important quotes, the questions I asked, and the little prompts I added for the viewer. As well as adding some music and text sending/receiving sounds. Basically the content is well edited but the typography and visiual style has to be elevated to meet the systems standards. Also I think there are a few things especially in the very beggining of the video that are just happneing a little bit too fast right now. Also we are edditing the validation text content slightly so I can’t forget to change that.

I did the thing, I still need to do sound editing on the whole video (music) and probably change some of the pacing (maybe type) in the opening (probably re do the opening as a text conversation kind of thing) now that I’ve done it it wont be too hard to reproduce I’m really happy with how this is going right now.

I have to make the first conversation thing more like a phone, move blue stuff down, and fix the “Hey” movement so its even.

I found a song, now is it gonna not look horrible on top of the untime motion… probably wound have been so much better if I had started the whole process with a song so I could have timed it but whatever this is how it worked.

