Delivering Superior Merchant Experiences for eCommerce

Empowering merchants to create engaging and innovative shopping experiences is core to the Magento eCommerce platforms. Announced at MagentoLive Europe, Magento Commerce 2.3 will include tools that enable merchants to more easily execute on their vision.

Magento eCommerce Platforms
4 min readNov 24, 2018


eCommerce Platforms

Empowering merchants to create engaging and innovative shopping experiences is core to the Magento eCommerce platforms. Announced at MagentoLive Europe, Magento Commerce 2.3 will include tools that enable merchants to more easily execute on their vision. This release of the Magento platform, underpinning Magento Commerce Cloud, incorporates significant community contributions and brings to market new merchant experience advancements.

Page Builder

Page Builder

Creating best-in-class shopping experiences means pairing commerce with persuasive content that is continually refreshed. Page Builder puts the power of content creation in the hands of the merchant’s marketing teams without writing a single line of code. No need to wait for IT or design to tell your story. Use this website builder to tell your diverse eCommerce story.

Easily create rich, contextual experiences, preview them, and then push to publish. With an intuitive interface and drag-and-drop editing tools, the whole process is simple and fast, enabling merchants to continually evolve and enhance their site with agility. Merchants can also add new, more complex content types and leverage APIs that enable content rendering across third-party platforms.

PWA Studio

Progressive Web App

As mobile traffic continues to rise, mobile conversion rates remain low compared to those on desktop. Meanwhile, native mobile apps see low adoption despite a superior user experience. Progressive Web Applications (PWA) bridge that gap by delivering app-like performance and shopping experiences through the mobile browser. Magento’s PWA Studio enables merchants and developers to create reliable, fast and engaging mobile experiences that boost conversion rates and increase engagement.

Merchants can deliver capabilities like rich visuals perfectly tailored to the small screen, usability with limited network connectivity, and access to native push notifications. These experiences can result in improved SEO, significantly higher conversion rates, and up to 50% better page performance.

PWA Studio also speeds time to market and lowers the total cost of ownership with reference themes and guided development. Developers can now build cutting edge, high-performing front-end experiences reducing the need for specialized Magento expertise.

Multi-Source Inventory

As merchants grow and evolve, so do the ways they sell, store and deliver product. Multi-Source Inventory helps merchants improve operational efficiency by managing inventory stored across multiple physical locations from directly within the Magento admin. Additionally, merchants can:

  • Assign products to multiple sources, track inventory at each location, and view quantity by source for easier management of inventory
  • Streamline operations with rules to prioritize locations and automatically control the inventory sources that are used to fulfill orders for each website in real-time
  • Improve conversion rates by setting up inventory reservations for high performing checkouts and accurate quantity counts

Performance & Reliability Enhancements

Shoppers are quick to abandon a poorly performing site, so merchants understand the need to execute. With the latest release of Magento Commerce, performance and scalability are substantially improved. Sharding and parallel processing of indexers allows significant time reductions such as a 98% decrease in category product reindexing time resulting in exceptional shopper experiences.

Security Enhancements

Keeping customer trust is critical to merchant success. Magento enables Two-factor Authentication (2FA) and Google ReCaptcha to protect the admin panel against stolen passwords and protect merchant stores against bots. Two-factor authentication allows merchants to use multiple authentication methods in addition to a username and password. ReCaptcha limits bot activity like registering fake accounts or guessing passwords.

In addition to the features due to be released in Magento Commerce 2.3 in Q4, merchants can look forward to additional tools following closely behind.


Launching in Q1 2019, Magento Payments will help merchants improve conversions and streamline payment operations. Keep up with consumer adoption of alternative payment services and digital wallets by instantly accepting a wide variety of payment methods, including local and region-specific; automatically synchronize payments and order details within the Magento Admin; and get full transparency on processed volumes, payment balance, and reporting on transaction level details for financial reconciliation. Magento Payments will also shift liability away from a merchant’s business with risk management and an industry-leading fraud guarantee.

Learn more about what’s coming with Magento Payments here.

Sales & Advertising Channels

Also in early 2019, Magento Sales & Ad Channels will give merchants the tools to extend their reach and find new customers on Amazon Marketplaces and the Google Network. Grow revenue by seamlessly selling and distributing on Amazon, the world’s largest marketplace. Let your Magento Admin serve as the hub of all your critical marketplace activities, removing operational friction and additional integration costs. Leverage Google automation and machine learning to improve your digital advertising results within Magento. Simplify your ad management, maximize conversion value, and expand your reach.

Learn about Magento Sales & Ad Channels here.

Want to get involved with these tools as soon as possible? Learn how here.

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Magento eCommerce Platforms

Magento is the leading eCommerce platform for open innovation. Magento successfully integrates digital and physical shopping experiences.