Magento 2 Migration Technical Overview | Magento

Magento eCommerce Platforms
1 min readMay 2, 2019

About the White Paper

For merchants still on Magento 1.x, migrating to Magento Commerce 2 opens up dramatic business growth potential utilizing innovative technologies and a modern architecture. Data migration is a key component of the overall Magento 2 migration process, and the Magento Data Migration Tool should give you confidence that your data will be transferred efficiently, reliably, and with minimal downtime so that your new site will be ready for action.

Highlights of this Whitepaper:

Utilize this paper as a technical primer for your migration from Magento 1.x to Magento 2. A complete migration to Magento 2 involves four components: data, extensions, themes, and customizations.

In this paper, you will find:

  • Technical best practices and benchmarking estimates
  • Guidelines for starting your technical migration plan
  • A conceptual discussion on how migration works
  • Tips on database configuration and mapping files
  • Links to online developer documentation and information

Download the Whitepaper

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Magento eCommerce Platforms

Magento is the leading eCommerce platform for open innovation. Magento successfully integrates digital and physical shopping experiences.