Need help integrating Magento Commerce with NetSuite ERP?

Magento eCommerce Platforms
4 min readDec 12, 2019

NetSuite is one of the most flexible and scalable ERP systems on the market today. In fact, it’s especially popular among mid-market businesses with plans to grow big. The idea is to install the NetSuite ERP system once-and keep expanding-without ever having to install a new back office. In theory, it’s a back-office you’ll never outgrow.

However, most NetSuite users that sell online will eventually have to choose a more advanced eCommerce platform. And it’s no surprise that many of them select Magento Commerce. It’s proven to scale quickly and comes with advanced features like rapid content publishing and out of the box support for B2B use cases. Plus, you can find thousands of eCommerce extensions in the Magento Marketplace that make it easy to customize your commerce experience.

To get the most out of the NetSuite ERP system and Magento Commerce, you’ll need to integrate them. There are many pre-built integration connectors available across the global Magento ecosystem. If you have a dedicated IT department, you may consider integrating the two platforms on your own. However, the vast majority of merchants opt to work with a Magento solution partner with a track record of successful NetSuite-Magento Commerce integrations. Why? Working with the right integration partner can help you minimize risk, launch faster, and even save money.

If you’re ready to integrate your NetSuite ERP with Magento Commerce -or you’re just thinking about it-the 10 questions outlined in this post can help you identify the best solution partner for your business needs.

Reasons to integrate Your ERP System

Systems integration projects often have a bad reputation. The stereotype is that they’re prone to delays, cost overruns, and avoidable mistakes. When it comes to NetSuite and Magento Commerce, that doesn’t have to be the case. ERP Integrations managed by qualified solution partners typically run smoothly. And the benefits far outweigh the risks. By integrating, you get:

  1. Better visibility for your customers. With an ERP integration, Magento Commerce has access to customer data stored in NetSuite, such as order status and history. This means you can give customers access to all their interactions with your brand in one place. (You’ll also get fewer “Where Is My Order” or WISMO calls.)

2. Better visibility across your business operations. Because integration . gives NetSuite access to online transaction data, you can get a more complete picture of how your business is performing overall.

3. More accurate online product information. When you integrate your NetSuite product catalog and inventory with Magento Commerce, your online store will display the latest product availability and pricing. This means customers will not order products that are actually out of stock or be charged the wrong price.

4. Fewer manual processes. Connecting NetSuite ERP software and Magento Commerce helps you automate workflows-including fulfillment and restocking inventory-and eliminate the need to manually enter data to keep your systems synchronized.

Do your homework

Your eCommerce solution partner can make or break your ERP integration. The right solution partner will work with you to define and refine your requirements, decide between a variety of pre-built connectors, and establish an integration timeline. But a partner that’s not a good fit for your business can add complexity and cost.

Before you start talking to potential solution partners, be sure to do your homework:

  • Get a rough idea of your business requirements.
  • Document workflows that require data from both systems.
  • Consider which platform will be your “system of record” for different types of data.
  • Map out data flows between the systems.
  • Figure out your budget.

Ask these 10 questions about ERP Systems

After you’ve done your prep work, research ERP systems integrators in your region, pick a shortlist, and ask them the following questions:

  1. What experience do you have working with companies in our industry?

2. Are you a Magento partner? Do you have a track record of building. Magento Commerce stores or integrations?

3. Are you a NetSuite partner? Do you have a track record of installing, working with, or building commerce-ERP integrations for NetSuite?

4. How many successful Magento Commerce-NetSuite integrations has your firm managed?

5. Do you have referenceable customers we can contact?

6. Can you describe a typical client in terms of industry and size?

7. Do you recommend integrating platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) solutions? Why or why not?

8. Do you outsource any of your development work?

9. What development process do you use for integrations?

10. What is this going to cost? Can we break the project into phases?

Also, remember that your conversations with potential integration partners should be a learning experience. If you hear from several partners that your budget is too low or your requirements are not workable, you may need to rethink one or both.

Ready to take the next steps to integrate your ERP platform?

If you’re thinking about integrating NetSuite ERP software with Magento Commerce, a great place to start is our best practices eBook Better Together. You can download it here.

ERP System integration

Download the eBook

This eBook contains helpful advice from three Magento partners with extensive experience helping merchants connect NetSuite with Magento Commerce:

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Magento eCommerce Platforms

Magento is the leading eCommerce platform for open innovation. Magento successfully integrates digital and physical shopping experiences.