How Reinvented Shoe Shopping

Magento eCommerce Platforms
4 min readMar 27, 2019

Fashion eCommerce Case Studies

Shopping for new shoes can be a nightmare. Finding a pair that suits you, in the right size, at the right price can be an impossible task — especially with long lines and understaffed stores. That’s not to mention the hours spent searching through thousands of pairs, and the heartbreak you feel when your dream shoe is out of stock. In February of 2018, one footwear brand set out to change all that. Established for over 20 years, is one of Poland’s largest and most famous online shoe stores. Since 2015, they’ve enjoyed great success on Magento Commerce, driving their revenue from $43 million to $165 million in less than three years. But they wanted to lead the charge in uniting the worlds of online and offline shopping. wanted to create a completely new and unified customer experience, with the introduction of a revolutionary new footwear store. Their commerce vision was to combine the customer experience of visiting a physical store, with the convenience of online shopping. The retailer boasts over 150,000 SKUs, more than any dedicated fashionista could sift through in one day. So to make shoe shopping a fast, easy, and enjoyable experience, they needed a flexible platform. And when trailblazing brands have wild ideas, they usually come to Magento Commerce.

Magento gives us power and flexibility with a platform that grows together with our business. It’s secure, and always open for innovation.

Marcin Zdunczyk
Marketing Director,

Together with their Magento Solution Partner, SNOW.DOG, envisioned a one-of-a-kind eCommerce shoe store. It would be different to any other shoe store in history, for one reason: there would be zero shoes on its shelves. Instead, 50 tablets would allow customers to browse thousands of brands and styles. Once they find the perfect pair, they ‘order’ them with the push of a button, and — less than three minutes later — they arrive at the customers’ feet to try on.

At the center of this shopping experience, SNOW.DOG developed the revolutionary ‘Magento Kiosk’ app.

“We wanted customers with specific needs and limited time to have the ability to directly access the shoes they want, via the Magento Kiosk app,” said SNOW.DOG CEO Kuba Zwolinski. “Meanwhile, customers who prefer to browse, or try on more styles have the option of searching, filtering, and browsing thousands of styles, thanks to the adjacent warehouse.”

The app, together with some fast footwork from their sales staff, allows customers to receive their shoes as quickly as possible, with no obstacles. “We aimed to offer a seamless online-to-offline shopping experience with minimal waiting,” said Zwolinski.’s customers can now see online offers, prices, promotions and stock availability all within the app, without the need to flag down a shop assistant. Product filtering and searching combines the convenience of online shopping with the ability to physically try on the shoes, and do a little turn in front of a mirror. Thanks to its connectivity with the warehouse, shoppers can even choose to have the warehouse courier the shoes to their home, you know, if they’ve bought too many to carry. And if products are out of stock, customers can order them for purchase on the next day.

Launched in February of 2018,’s touch-screen Magento Kiosk allows customers to find product information much faster than waiting to find a store assistant. The brand found that customers are less likely to abandon their shopping due to long lines or understaffed stores. The Kiosk was also popular with customers who prefer both offline or online shopping. “We believe the Magento Kiosk app brings together the power of online shopping with the practicality and immediacy of in-store try-on and purchasing,” said Zwolinski.

Because most footwear is currently still purchased offline, the Kiosk is also a great opportunity for online retailers to attract offline customers and convert them to online customers. The physical store allows users to touch, feel, and try on shoes, while the Magento Kiosk app makes browsing many brands and styles far more efficient. “By integrating the features of the digital apps with the offline shopping experience, we have streamlined the shopping process,” said Zwolinski.

The project was such a success that is planning on more integrations, and are experimenting with including check-out functionality into the Magento kiosk app — so you won’t even need to line up to pay.

Magento gives us power and flexibility with an eCommerce platform that grows together with our business. It’s secure, and always open for innovation.

Marcin Zdunczyk
Marketing Director,

Read more about Selling Shoes Online >



Magento eCommerce Platforms

Magento is the leading eCommerce platform for open innovation. Magento successfully integrates digital and physical shopping experiences.