#MiniCablesRock Can You Guess What This Is? — Update #125

Seymour Segnit
1 min readFeb 18, 2020


As you know, the MAGFAST system is designed to charge ALL your devices from the last decade and the next.

That means in addition to fast wireless charging we have the built-in, swappable mini-cables.

You may have seen reports in the news about the European Union moving to force a single standard connection. Rightly they want to cut down on the e-waste of manufacturers shipping another (often not so great) charger with every device.

The good news is that as a MAGFAST owner you’ll be in good shape as we saw this coming and support all three of the standards: the older Micro-USB, Apple’s Lightning, and the new, excellent USB-C.

Apart from the tips, all 3 cables look identical… but underneath they are not, quite. In this week’s update, Seymour will take you through some of the design micro-challenges that each presented us with.

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