a week in the life: november 27, 2017

Maggie Reid
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2017

In this Sunday series, I write down a little snippet of what I’ve been doing during the past week (with lots of pictures at the end). I also put down some goals and plans for the upcoming week as well. My hope is to share a bit of what my life as an expat is like on a more day-to-day basis.

This Week:

Where I went: I went to Seoul this week for a quick trip. While there, I spent time in Myeongdong shopping for beauty products and some funky fashion, went to Namdaemun Market to browse and buy some cheap souvenirs, and found my way to Seoul Comics Road.

What I ate: So. Much. Korean food. It’s the main reason I like going to Seoul! Had some delicious barbecue at Wangbijib and, as usual, had some samgyetang at Tosokchon Samgyetang.

What I did: Before I left for Seoul, I spent some time decorating the apartment for Christmas! It was a weird experience to decorate this new home for one of my favorite holiday seasons, but with enough Christmas music playing in the background, I definitely managed to get myself in the Christmas spirit. Then, in Seoul, I spent most of my time shopping! (I’ll admit, most of my shopping was for myself, not for presents). I wanted to stock up on some cheaper winter gear (heavy coats, hats, shoes) and I find it a lot easier to find inexpensive items in Seoul than in Tokyo.

What I learned: I learned that traffic in Seoul is intense, and you have to leave yourself plenty of buffer time to get to the airport! We had a nail-biter of a cab ride to Gimpo from our hotel, and ended up arriving only a half hour before our flight with two bags to check! Fortunately, Korean Air is great and got our bags through with no problems. But I was definitely sweatier and more stressed than I like to be when I get on the plane.

Next Week:

Where I’m going: Nowhere! While Keith has to travel to India this week, I get to stay in Tokyo the whole week. I’m very excited. I think I’ll head to the Christmas market at Tokyo Skytree in Oshiage to further stoke my Christmas spirit!

What I hope to accomplish: When we moved here in February, I brought a whole bunch of books with me. My goal was to finish this batch of books before we go home for Christmas. I’m running a little behind! I’ve got 5 (really big and dense) books to go and only 17 days to do it. So this week, I hope to finish my current read, The Limits of Detente by Craig Daigle, and at least one other book. Time to focus!

This Week in Photos:

Myeongdong Underground Shopping
Made in Korea sneakers in Myeongdong
Ubiquitous K-pop goods stalls
Korean barbecue at Wangbijib
View of Namsan Seoul Tower
Face mask shopping in Myeongdong
Tosokchon Samgyetang restaurant
Seoul street scene
Comics Road street figurine



Maggie Reid

American expat living in Tokyo. Lawyer, avid reader, foodie, crocheter, unashamed homebody.