A King’s Man

Fantasy short. The fae king of Crystal City takes his most recent assassin hostage, and works to change his loyalties.

Johannes T. Evans
Magic Beholden


Photo by Pixabay via Pexels.

King Capulet has always had a dangerous affection for assassins, and this one is more fascinating than any other he’s ever been able to enjoy.

Rated M. M/M. 13k. Dark fantasy, manipulation, and interrogative techniques — note content warnings for blood and violence, sexual assault and manipulation, and complex power dynamics and layered interactions. Featuring Valorous King. Adapted from a TweetFic.

Crystal was a city-state once, not too long ago — less than a decade ago, she still had her king and her tall spires, hadn’t been absorbed into the neighbouring kingdom of Sith, her peoples scattered to the winds.

Before that, she’d stood for centuries, and prospered for over eighty.

King Capulet’s reign had been the most prosperous Crystal had ever had — one of the most prosperous any kingdom on the island had ever had, although most were reluctant to admit it. Capulet had been a firm ally of the Queen, and she was one of the few who’d sing his praises, and naturally, no one disagreed with her — not out loud — but that didn’t mean they liked it.



Johannes T. Evans
Magic Beholden

Gay trans man writing fantasy fiction, romance, and erotica. Big on LGBTQ and disability themes, plus occasional essays and analysis. He/him.