Magic Shoes
7 min readNov 1, 2023


Hello everyone!

This is MAGICSHOES, making the beginning of a new Web 3.0 lifestyle.

This is the first guide of the ‘Discover your value with every step, Magic Shoes’.

In the future, we aim to share the vision of MAGICSHOES and engage with our users through conducting interactive M2E guides, fostering a vibrant ecosystem.

For those who are new to MAGICSHOES, let’s take a quick look at the MAGICSHOES M2E platform.


MAGICSHOES helps to connect people around the world in order to reduce environmental pollution and empower users to lead happier lives by adopting healthier lifestyles.

Users around the world can essentially purchase MAGICSHOES NFTs in order to M2E (Move To Earn) through walking, running, or cycling.

It is a M2E-based Web 3.0 platform that enables users to earn rewards and receive them via GPS within the MAGIC SHOES application.

Therefore, MAGICSHOES aims to connect people worldwide with Web 3.0, leveraging the blockchain network’s benefits of Secure, Transparent, P2P-based, Instantaneous to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions.

MAGICSHOES is designed to help people integrate essential activities into their daily lives, based on this socio-technical background.

Stay tuned to see how MAGICSHOES will evolve into a project that enables users to freely participate and move around through M2E, thereby uniting people around the world!


(MAGICSHOES App Function / Source: MAGICSHOES Hompage)

To begin using MAGICSHOES M2E, users need to initially download the MAGIC SHOES App, which offers 4 features as listed below.


Users can collect MCP every hour by walking, running, or cycling while wearing MAGICSHOES NFTs through the MAGICSHOES APP.


MAGIC BOX is awarded based on the duration(30/60/90/120 min) of the workout.


It utilizes GPS and Google Maps for tracking outdoor walking, running, and cycling activities.


MAGICSHOES NFTs are available for purchase on the MARKETPLACE App, where you can buy and sell NFTs of various types and tiers.

MAGICSHOES ‘Exercise Mode’ & ‘Minting System’

(MAGICSHOES App Exercise Mode / Source: MAGICSHOES Whitepaper)

In Workout Mode, users can select a pair of Magic Shoes that match their preferences and goals, and easily initiate their session by pressing the start button.

As mentioned earlier, users can earn tokens as they move around in Workout Mode with their Magic Shoes once they get started with MAGICSHOES M2E.

Users can earn up to 2 hours of MCP points per day by exercising, and it costs 100 Health Points (H.P) of energy to do this.

You can check your status on the app screen whether you’re walking, running, or cycling. If there’s no GPS or data signal detected, you will see a red light indicating that you’re not moving naturally, and you can still view your status.

( GPS signal: white-no signal / red-weak signal / green-good signal )

For speed, shoes are rated on a scale from 1 to 30 km. However, exceeding 30 km will deplete your stamina and prevent accumulation of workout time and MCP score.

Therefore, you can increase your efficiency by checking the amount of H.P. you have before moving, and understanding the number of MCP points earned per minute of exercise.

Minting System

The minting system is used to synthesize Magic Shoes of the same type in order to create new high-grade Magic Shoes.

When a new pair of Magic Shoes is created, it can be used and sold through the Magic Shoes app’s marketplace and the Magic Club NFT exchange.

Users should note that they can only register a shoe for sale if all the characteristics of the Magic Shoes, specifically H.P 100 / D 30 / V 24, have been restored.



There are four types of Magic Shoes: Ara, Dawon, Raon, and Maru.

Each Magic Shoes has a validity period of 2 years and can only be used with PFP.

(You can extend the validity period by 1 month by purchasing and using V.DRINK.)

Each pair of Magic Shoes has a distinct MCP rating.

To distinguish the four tiers of Genesis, Rare, Epic, and Legendary, you can begin at level 1 and level up to level 50 as your workouts and time accumulate.

Of course, each level increases the rate at which MCP points can be mined.

To summarize, there are 4 types of Magic Shoes with 16 levels. It is necessary to work out at a higher level to earn MCP rewards, even for lower-level Magic Shoes.

In addition, users will strive to earn MCP rewards in the most efficient way, as they can maximize their MCP rewards by initially exercising in the main mode at the highest level during their workout.

The most efficient way to earn MCP points is between 88 to 100 H.P DRINK, and the types of Magic Shoes energy are as follows.

(MAGICSHOES Model / Source: MAGICSHOES Whitepaper)

As mentioned above, energy is classified into three main types: H.P DRINK(HP), D. DRINK(Durability), and V. DRINK(Validity). Each drink is further divided by shoe type.

  • (H.P DRINK)

This drink is crucial in Magic Shoes as it depletes up to 12 H.P daily. Moreover, if your total H.P. for the following day’s workout falls below 88, you will earn fewer MCP compared to exceeding 88.

  • (D.DRINK)

Durability drink should always be checked to keep your Magic shoes running, as it is used to repair your shoes and consumed by 1 each day. If it reaches 0, your workout mode will not work.

  • (V.DRINK)

This drink, consumed at a rate of 1 month per 24 months, is used to extend the validity period of your shoes.

As mentioned above, H.P DRINK is the most efficient way to earn MCP points, ranging from 88 to 100 points, and its effectiveness can be further enhanced by equipping additional accessories.

At this time, users can only buy accessories for the same type of shoes, which allows them to compare the MCT cost based on their energy selection and maximize their rewards if they choose to start M2E.

(MAGICSHOES The Item / Source: MAGICSHOES Hompage)


MAGICSHOES has two Tokens. One token is MCT, which serves as a governance token, while the other token is MCP, specifically designed as a magic club point.

MAGICSHOES operates an ECOSYSTEM that combines blockchain technology and rewards users transparently through the above two tokens.

The contents of each token are as follows.

(MAGICSHOES The Item / Source: MAGICSHOES Hompage)


Reward points(MCP TOKEN) are earned by mining MCP points through the exercise mode in Magic Shoes. Therefore, you can earn MCP points by exercising with Magic Shoes. You can then redeem the accumulated MCP points on a weekly basis, paying MCT in N/1 for each earned MCP point.

  • MAGIC SHOES TOKEN : Governance Token (MCT)

These points will reset after the settlement patch at 15:00 UTC every Sunday.

By providing rewards and opportunities for M2E users to fulfill their goals and needs, we aim to build an ecosystem where everyone who use MAGICSHOES can mutually benefit, ultimately leading to increased potential consumer acquisition and brand value.


The MAGICSHOES platform is expected to facilitate the entry of new users and significantly improve the user experience as it develops its business plan and services in the future.

‘Discover your value with every step, Magic Shoes’

The M2E Platform Magic Shoes are recommended for anyone pursuing a healthy lifestyle. These shoes provide a fascinating new experience by adding fun and enjoyment to exercise, while also helping users stay focused through gamification.

In conclusion

Today, we have provided a brief introduction to the MAGICSHOES platform for newcomers.

Next time, we will further share VISION of MAGICSHOES and provide you with a clearer understanding of what to anticipate on the platform.

Thank you.


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Magic Shoes

MagicShoes is a WEB3 lifestyle for walking, running and cycling.