WebHook For More Automation

Benjamin Azan
Magic Sourcing
Published in
1 min readJul 20, 2016

We’ve released WebHook to let you automatically use the contacts we are providing with Magic Sourcing. First you need to know that this feature is for developers because you need technical skills to use this feature.

Now you are aware of this lets dive into the feature.

The WebHooks are made to let you add the contact you get from your sources into a list of your Auto-Responder.

Dear developers friends this message is for you.

Data is sent through POST, each time a new email has been found.
You will be able to retrieve this data in $_POST[‘data’] formatted in json, such as in this example :

"id": "1039918",
"query_id": "173",
"email": "commerce@fecfo.fr",
"lead_id": "570745",
"scrap_date": "2016-05-24 13:22:53",
"type": "generic",
"validity": "untested",
"query_name": "service commercial",
"query_tags": [
"id": "44",
"tag": "paris"

