Final proposal_Mapbox World Scale with Vehicle Collisions Data

Chian Huang
Magic Window
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2018

As a designer, what most interests me about AR is not just how cool the technology but the new way for the human to interact with new space. Also, the potential changes in our daily behaviors in the near future will either benefit our life or cause more problems. These are interesting questions and topics for me to consider when designing the experience for the virtual environment.

Designing for the virtual experience requires a different way of thinking. No longer is the user interface that is fixed to the screen with the simple interaction of swiping the fingers. In addition, we want to create a virtual experience that is not only limited to the mobile device but on a broader scale, such as wearable devices.

After the discussion in class about the usability of mixed reality for different users and challenges that occur, Alan and I will like to investigate more on the interactions when users enter the virtual spaces while existing in the physical space.

Project Proposal:
For the final project, we want to augment the dataset of NYC’s vehicle collisions to the real world. By walking on the street, users will be notified when the area/street has high vehicles collision and avoid future accident happened. For now, we build the experience using ARKit; however, we understand the concerns of holding the phone while walking will cause danger for the pedestrians. Therefore, HoloLens will be our desire tool for this experience.

1. Research:
-Implementation of the notification
-What kind of interaction is the most natural and intuitive for users

2. Augment the dataset
-Collect dataset
-Import Mapbox SDK into Unity
-Design notifications on the screen

For now, we have successfully import Mapbox SDK into Unity and also import the vehicle collisions dataset from NYC Open Data site. According to Alan’s previous experience, the dataset is displayed on top of the map. As shown below.

After making sure the data is able to load into Unity, we tried Mapbox’s World-Scale AR example and we had successfully run the app in the real life environment.

Mapbox World-Scale AR Example

Next steps:
-Load in the data into Mapbox’s World Scale AR example
-Continue on the research
-Create interface for notification
-Try out Mapbox’s World Scale AR example with Hololens.

