This Limiting Belief Might Be Holding You Back

Inner recognition of your worth, so you can keep focusing on your dreams

Madeline (Mads) Birdsall
Magical Humans
3 min readSep 22, 2020


You don’t need to get to a certain level of achievement or status to merit having a coach. You are worth the investment in yourself now, right where you are.

A common assumption we encounter is that coaches are only for CEOs or high-status individuals who have earned this service. Usually beneath this assumption is a belief that an individual needs to show that they are worth the time and attention of a coach. And they aren’t proving this to themselves — they feel they need to prove this to others and get external confirmation that they are valuable enough to have a coach.

The truth is, if you are feeling like you don’t deserve a coach now, you likely won’t feel like you deserve one no matter what you’ve accomplished.

Waiting for external recognition can take time, and you might even find that it doesn’t resonate when it does come — you might still feel like you don’t deserve support. In the meantime, as you wait, you may be building habits and behaviors that don’t actually align with your values. Or, you may be putting down roots in an environment that isn’t supportive of what you really, really want in life. At the deeper level, the belief that you aren’t valuable enough to deserve support likely won’t go away once you receive external validation. So, we invite you to give yourself recognition.

We want to turn that limiting belief on its head. We want to replace it with a new belief: You are worth it. You have value, exactly where you are in your life, and you are worth the investment.

For some, the earlier they engage with a partner like a coach, the better. They are bringing space and intention to how they want to behave before they learn behaviors and habits that aren’t serving them. Or, they explore and shift a belief to one that is more empowering. The new belief reduces resistance and allows them to move forward with ease and bring more balance to their lives. There can be many great benefits to working with a coach when you are starting something new, making a transition, or becoming a different version of yourself — taking on a new identity.

Often we experience these shifts before we’ve made it to our dream job, before we’ve found the right relationship, or before we’ve fully embodied a new role — all of the things we can think we need to “get to” before we’re worthy enough for a coach. We’re here to tell you that you don’t need to wait.

Overall, we like to think that this new belief — that you are worth it, exactly as you are — expands who coaching is for. It doesn’t mean that people who have achieved their status or goals won’t get value from a coach. We just find that those people tend to have more permission from others and themselves to seek out support than people who are in the process of walking the path towards their goal.

So we want to share with all of you who are starting something new, experiencing a change, or are growing into a new way of being:

You belong.
You are worth the investment.
You are valued.

Your coach will meet you where you are.

