Do You Yearn for More?

A poem on living a full existence

Channing Teele
Magical Moments
2 min readSep 22, 2022


Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

I want to be the type of person
Who lives life fully.
Not a kind of muted existence
That society accepts
As day-to-day life.

Where we multitask every second, including when we eat
Thinking that we are squeezing in more when really we are just
Experiencing less.
When we wait for the weekend to follow our passions
Because we are scared to have less.
And fear that we will never
Make our dreams into a reality.

Where we don’t actively appreciate the ones we love
Because we are too busy running from nothing
To fully enjoy a sweet hug.

No, I want so much more than that for my life.

I want a life where I savor each bite
Where I pleasure in spreading my toes
And appreciate each moment because I move slow.

One where I push myself to change
And face my fears
Where I pause and delight in the birds
Singing to my ears.

One where I can feel the discomfort of stretching
And yet I still extend my arms out wide.
A life where I fail over and over again,
But those failures fill my soul with pride.

Where nothing just “isn’t me”
Because I can choose who I wish to be.

Where I give everything a chance,
Where I close my eyes and dance.
When I jump into oceans at sunset,
Fully dressed
Because I feel and experience
That I am truly blessed.

Where I don’t claim to be too busy to sit with my busy mind
Because my life isn’t controlled by the fake notion of time

I want to enjoy the big moments
Of travel, nature, and spiritual quest,
But not more than savoring the most boring and peaceful rest.

Life isn’t about just the special meals and Michelin star tastes
To me, to only enjoy those would be a waste
I want to eat rice and beans and moan in ecstasy,
Have plain vanilla ice cream and scream with glee,
I want to push my body to the brink,
My eyes open wide when I float, not sink.

I don’t want to just smile dumbly at the beauty
But understand how it represents us fully.

For my mind to expand in all directions
My heart to grow from so much self-reflection
My soul shining brightly from all the affection
To stop craving protection from societal rejection
To live life so deeply, you think I’m in a new dimension
A new connection….
With God.

May you live a deep and grand life.

Want to work with me? I work one-on-one with women seeking spiritual connection through meditation, astrology, and journaling.
About — Channing Teele

