What is ‘Magical Moments’?

A New Publication

Channing Teele
Magical Moments


A woman blows a little magic into the air.
Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash

Hello and Welcome!

A few years ago, I started a Magic Journal. I filled it with all the little moments of magic that I saw each day.

As I started to capture and share these moments, something magical happened — the magic grew!

The more I looked for magic, the more I found it each and every day.

What is Magic?

For me, magic is the communication of the divine sent in energy form.

Magic is big, like a birth or a trip around the world.
More often than not, magic makes tiny moments bigger:
The flicker of light in a puddle.
A hawk that stares into your eyes.
Spotting your spirit animal in the forest or a ladybug landing on your head.
A sunrise that gives you chills.
A song that touches your soul.
It can be the presence of a loved one in a room with you even though their body has dropped.
The courage to feel an aching pain in our hearts and still marvel at the intensity of the experience.

Often, it is seemingly coincidences that are more than just coincidental. Thinking…

