The Healer’s Cloisonné

A fable about choosing a path with heart

Philip Siddons
Mystical Musings


Image: Xu Xi /

In the fifteenth century during the reign of the Ming Dynasty, there was a powerful sorcerer named Ling. He lived alone in the mountains and generally spent very little time with the villagers so that he might keep his powers hidden. He would travel into the village only to purchase food and supplies. He was friendly to those he met, but few knew much about him other than that he was a quiet old man from the hills.

It was rumored once, that a band of thieves had followed the old man up into the hills to rob him. Mysteriously, they were never seen in that region again. In truth, Ling was mindful of the rogues pursuing him and turned himself into a tiger. He quickly put an end to their intended treachery.

One of Ling’s favorite pastimes was to disguise himself as a pauper and make his way, unknown, into the village. Because of his extraordinary powers, he would be able to join in public gatherings unnoticed. Because of his mastery of the art of disguises, Ling could even engage in conversations and become familiar with individuals and their circumstances.

One day, Ling came across Dee, the town healer, a woman who had trained in the arts of physical healing. He saw that she regularly worked with the village folk, binding their wounds, and applying her medicines…



Philip Siddons
Mystical Musings

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