2023 diaries through the lens of a teenager —

Lessons I learnt this year.

Saona Giri
Magical Reading
4 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

It can truly be called a lesson learnt when you tend to recall it in future when needed. It maybe something which you learn directly from others’ mistakes or it maybe something you learn the hard way.

If you win you can lead , if you fail you can guide. — Swami Vivekananda

Here’s a list of some lessons I learnt . Who knows , while going through it some of you may start imagining yourself in my words.

  1. Graph of success is never a straight line

When you decide on accomplishing something , you got to accept the fact that it’s never gonna be easy. If it’s easy then it’s not even worth to be achieved.

For example, if you are preparing for a competitive exam , before appearing for the main exam , you need to appear for the practice tests. Now, considering a case where your first two or three tests were not at all upto the mark , not even close to the qualifying score , don’t lose your hope completely and stop walking down that path. In stead work on your errors , find out where you went wrong and trust me you will be doing better the next time you attend the same topics.

Mind it , even an ECG doesn’t show a straight line ; if it’s straight it’s the end! You can see the steepness better after a continuous depression. Similarly you need to fail several times in order to locate your rise in the graph.

2. Have a flexible mind but a strong heart

No human being can survive alone , we are all dependent on each other. Everything seems cool unless people start interfering intimately in someone else’s life.

There are apparently plenty of your well wishers who will manage to give you their precious “advices” at all stages of your life (I’m not demeaning anybody here). Among them some are really your well wishers while some aren’t . You should be having a flexible mindset with which you listen to and accept everybody’s advices and opinions but …but at the end , you are supposed to make the final call with a strong heart.

Adolescence is full of triggers ; it takes just one step to enter a dark path . Make decisions wisely . It’s good to get motivated , not swayed to a point from where you can’t return to your original position.

3. Main character

You cannot be the main character of anyone’s story but you can write your own story with you as the main character.

Photo by Jared Subia on Unsplash

You make a lot of friends yet you feel lonely when they miss you out while planning a day out — isn’t it?

Even if your answer is yes , don’t worry you aren’t alone . It’s not wrong to emotionally invest in someone. If they fail to value your existence , it is not your fault and it’s okay if you feel low because of it . After all being sad is also a function of our brain’s limbic system ; but you will definitely be at fault if you don’t value yourself. You need to respect your own existence before expecting anybody else to do so !

If someone makes you feel like an outcast , act accordingly . If you feel the person is close to you , close enough for you tell him /her how you feel , then do so ; if it doesn’t work , you will have to move on.

4. Stop judging others unless you are paid

You shouldn’t assume anything about anyone before knowing them — you are not a high court judge, are you?

You have something mean to say about someone , first ask yourself if you have the courage to listen to a similar kind of mean thing backfired at you ; if not then don’t initiate in the first place.

Words are like arrows, once you shoot , it cannot be undone.

You never know what some person is going through, at the time when you were busy gossiping about that person , he / she may have gone through the toughest time .

If you still can’t stop yourself , just remember that if you are gossiping about one person behind his/her back , then ten more people are also gossiping about you behind your back.



Saona Giri
Magical Reading

A creative mind with self written short stories , poetry and articles