Ayoze's Scribe
Magical Reading
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Derek Story on Unsplash

Oh, angry old man!!
You are so nice to be with at first
You care and show empathy towards us
Your show of love didn't give us any hint
We didn't realize you had an opposite side

You maltreat us, due to your personal challenges
You neglect and segregate yourself from your family
You make choices which don't favour your loved ones
Why? Because you can't control your emotions

Responsibility, it is for you
To take care and guide us
To feed us and clothe us
Sheltering us, your priority it is
But you whine about every little thing you have done

Oh, angry old man!!
You have made us children seem like insects eating off your farmer’s hard planted plants
Your words deduct our freedom in the house
You are indeed a harsh one

Compelled by your recalcitrant nature
You put us in a tunnel without openings
We, children are indeed stucked in your twitching loop
There is no chance of survival for us

Our fates are enjoined already, there’s no backing out of this world we are in
We can only pray for you and hope for better
A lot, you have denied us while growing up
Oh, angry old man!! a father you are.



Ayoze's Scribe
Magical Reading

Writer | Poet| Human Psychology enthusiast| Navigating life's intricacies.