Create Multiple Sources of Joy in Your Dailly Life!

Dipalee Katre Rahangdale
Magical Reading
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2024
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Hello Beloved Reader, so many wishes buried dailly in your heart. wish you always wanted to do things but you don’t get time to do for.

any particular hobby or skill you wanted to learn but never had.

you always think that whenever you have free time you will do this or that but don’t get free time because when you are free you spend time unknowingly scrolling social media or watching Netflix and all, I hope I am right (fingers crossed )

what do you say?

you just don’t have time to DO what your heart craves.

Do you remember? when we were kids, we were always excited about trying new things, playing with new gems or doing some new adventure at the park climbing on trees stealing row mangoes and all.

but now we are adults we have tons of responsibility, the burden of becoming successful and proving ourselves better than others, we are busy with these kinds of activities. and we forget about real-life fun.

we depend upon others, someone comes into our lives and entertains us. but in reality, no one comes, and we end up feeling lonely.

apart from when we are kids we find exploring little joys of life.

as a kid, we know very well how to entertain ourselves that's why we are happy all the time, we know how to make ourselves happy.

if I ask you, what is the one thing you do every day to make your soul happy, what would you say?

it’s tough to find the answer. I know I am also in the same boat, it's easy to expect the world to be our cheerleader, but it’s hard to look in the mirror and ask what we do for ourselves, no wonder, we feel lonely.

But hey, I am not your mom or mentor, so it’s not my work to tell you what you do or not.

I understand being an adult is not easy, you have tons of responsibility as a mother, wife, sister etc, but the point is, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, or how much you work did it.

what matters is do you even do one single task in your day that makes your soul happy.

if you do one single task intentionally for yourself and then awaken your inner child, life will start playing the sweet tune in your life like a joy.

start doing things that matter to you, and don’t depend on others for your little happiness.

and I strongly suggest you as per my personal experience try to find joy in little things.

For example -sipping your Morning masala tea or coffee while standing on the balcony…..

as your favourite music plays softly in the background, you gaze out at the breathtaking view from your balcony.

Image from my Gallery

The sun paints the sky with hues of gold and orange, spreading a warm glow over the world below.

Birds chirp merrily, adding to the beauty of nature.

At this moment, you feel completely at peace and calm in the morning.

It feels like heaven on earth, and if you’ve never experienced it, I suggest trying once, I hope you enjoy it.

Trust your heart to lead you to joy each day. Listen to what brings you happiness and follow its guidance. By doing so, you can create a life filled with joy and fulfilment.

the question is either you discover joy, or worry discovers you.

I hope this article helps you to find happiness in your daily life.

see you soon …



Dipalee Katre Rahangdale
Magical Reading

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