How to Start Reading in 2024:

Let me help you stick to your New Year’s Resolution.

Avuma Flatela
Magical Reading
3 min readDec 13, 2023


I love when people write something witty here about the picture but I don't know what to say so please chuckle and pretend like I did write something witty.
Photo by Roman Denisenko on Unsplash

Do you have ‘Read one book weekly’ or something along those lines as your New Year’s Resolution?

You are not alone, 63% of people also have that as their resolution. I am kidding, I totally made that up.

I did not find the actual statistic of people who have something to do with reading as their resolution.

However, I did find these statistics:

  • More than half of adults (51.57%) haven’t read a full book in over a year.
  • 22.01% of adults haven’t read a book in over 3 years and 10.83% haven’t read a book in more than 10 years.
  • 28.76% of people never finish a book they start reading, but those that finish one book are 29.02x more likely to read at least one more.

These are from this article.

Are you still with me? I love you ❤️. Now let’s get to work.

Make your goal more specific:

I know I jumped the gun when I assumed that you have a resolution to start reading in 2024. But I mean you are here, so I am right.

You want to read more, I get it. But what does ‘more’ mean? Is it one book a month? 50 books a year? A 100? One weekly?

Make the goal more specific. Keeping in mind your schedule. The goal has to be realistic so that you can be consistent with it.

It is okay if you have time to read only one book in 2024. Define your goal so that you are clear on exactly what you have to do to accomplish it.

Always carry a book with you:

This is one of the easiest things you can do to ensure that you get more words in.

The convenience of having a book there will make it more likely that you will reach for it instead of your phone. It will always be in your face, constantly reminding you of the promise you made at the beginning of the year.

As you would put your workout clothes out the night before to reduce the use of willpower in the morning. Carrying a book everywhere will have the same effect.

Get excited:

Have I ever told you about the time I stopped reading fiction? Do you know how I got over that? (Because it was a real tragedy)

I watched a YouTuber talk about her favourite (fiction) books. The way her eyes would light up as she picked up the next book. The way she’d smile as she tried to get us to read the books. I could feel her fire and passion through the screen.

It was not any book in particular that got me. It was how she talked about the books. I wanted to feel like that again. I wanted to fall in love with reading.

I want you to get excited about reading. I want you to want to read. I want you to want to know how the book ends.

You can do this by reading book recommendations and finding books that sound interesting to you, watching reading vlogs, watching book shopping vlogs, watching book recommendations, following this publication😉.

The amazing writers here will definitely get you excited about reading.

I am going to end this here but don’t stop reading now. Please, I beg you. Please continue by reading this article:

How to Start Reading If You Hate Reading.

This will help you with the process of starting to reading.

Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for setting goals for 2024. Thank you for wanting to improve yourself.

I meant what I said earlier, I really do love you.

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Avuma Flatela
Magical Reading

I am a psychology student on my journey to becoming my best self. This is a personal development blog to help you enhance your life.