The Great Protein Quest: A Vegan Kid’s Take

As a vegan, I’m so sick of the “where do you get your protein? question.

NG 541
3 min readJan 9, 2024
by Ng541

Being a vegan kid is awesome — colorful fruits, tasty veggies, and saving the planet, what’s not to love? But oh boy, there’s this one question that we just can’t escape — “Where do you get your protein?” Seriously, it’s like a never-ending game of hide-and-seek with this question, and it’s starting to get a bit… well, exhausting!

You know, as vegan kids, we’ve got our superhero squad of plant-based foods — broccoli, beans, quinoa, and the mighty tofu. They’re like our protein-packed pals, always ready to save the day. Yet, somehow, it feels like every grown-up in the universe is on a mission to figure out our protein secret.

Imagine this: you’re munching on a delicious apple, and suddenly someone pops up and asks, “But where do you get your protein?” It’s like, come on, can’t we just enjoy our snack without launching into a protein investigation?

Now, don’t get us wrong, we get that people are curious. It’s just that we wish the protein question had a pause button. We’re out here being happy, healthy, and having a blast with our vegan treats, and then bam — the protein question strikes again!

What’s interesting is that even in our gang of vegan pals, there are different vibes. Some of us don’t think twice about the protein thing, while others feel the need to explain it like we’re giving a superhero origin story. It’s like our own little protein soap opera, with twists and turns at every mealtime.

But hey, here’s an idea: What if, instead of feeling like nutrition detectives, people just let us enjoy our veggies in peace? Picture this — we’re happily munching on carrot sticks, and someone walks by, smiles, and says, “Cool, enjoy your veggies!” No protein interrogations, just good vibes.

And for those who insist on asking, maybe a little wink and a smile could be our secret weapon. Like, “Oh, you caught me — I get my protein from the magical land of veggies and plant goodness!” Cue mysterious veggie superhero music.

So, to all the protein detectives out there, let’s make a deal. We’ll keep thriving on our plant-powered adventures, and you can join us on the veggie train if you want. No need for the protein question — it’s all good in the green neighborhood! 🌱✌️


“I’ve noticed that in our community, many vegans seem to be thriving and maintaining great health without dwelling too much on the protein question. It’s intriguing to me how different perspectives exist.

I’m genuinely curious: do you feel this question is particularly significant, or do you find it surprising that some of us don’t focus on it as much? I’ve seen my vegan friends lead healthy and fit lives without being overly concerned about protein sources. What’s your take on this aspect of the vegan lifestyle?”

“Hey, no need to get sick of the protein question! Why not just let it slide, silently chuckle at their lack of awareness, and carry on with your plant-powered life? 🌱😄 It’s like our little secret — thriving on veggies while others scratch their heads about protein sources. So, next time someone asks, just give ’em a friendly smile, maybe a wink, and let your vibrant health do the talking. No need to waste energy on the protein police! 😉✨”

Apologies if any of my lines seemed dismissive; I value open discussions and appreciate the opportunity to clarify.”

Warm Regards

Thanks for the inspiration for this article to





NG 541

Interested in Stories and health related article, an author whose storytelling mirrors the essence of dreams and the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.