Ayoze's Scribe
Magical Reading
Published in
Jan 1, 2024
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

Here I am again, looking at the earth
Alone in my premises without anyone to resort to
Thoughts brewing in my head continuously
Only words I can digress with.

Here I am still, waiting to be reached out to
Longing, for love and empathy
Waiting for families and friends to say hi
Not knowing I am not in their thoughts.

Oh, I am far away from being resolved
Emotions aggravating about to collide
Silent, trying to drown my thoughts
Not knowing I am already buried

Loneliness,never my best suit
Treading carefully not to be consumed by you.
Disguising you as another has always been the goal
Not knowing I am already eloped

Loneliness, sets me aside from others
Thinking you are my comfort zone
Hypnotized without any chance of being pulled out.



Ayoze's Scribe
Magical Reading

Writer | Poet| Human Psychology enthusiast| Navigating life's intricacies.