120 Days And Continuing; Willpower At Play

This journey has tested my willpower and taught me strength, patience, and the importance of self-belief.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Magical Writers Cafe
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by ARTO SURAJ on Unsplash

I had completed one more milestone: 120 days. Phew! It is a long time. But I never looked back and continued working. I finished my work in any condition.

On the first day of 2024, I embarked on a mission: to write for at least 90 days. This decision was rooted in discipline and commitment, a promise to myself that I would honor regardless of the circumstances.

“What is now proved was once only imagined.”
― William Blake

Admittedly, there were a few days when I couldn’t write, about 3–4 in these 120 days. But that’s just a fraction of the journey.

It’s not about the setbacks, it’s about the comebacks. And I’ve always come back stronger, more determined than ever.

No one can break you if you make a firm decision and start working on that. You will have motivation from the inside. The only thing that it will require is willpower.

Yes, it also tests your willpower. Many days will come to you saying leave it; it does not matter. But your willpower should be firm to overcome that decision of not doing it.

When you make a decision, you might have goals. If you want to achieve something, do something for yourself, your family, or your friends.

“Most of life’s actions are within our reach, but decisions take willpower.”
― Robert McKee

Remember, your goals can be personal or professional, big or small. What matters is your commitment and determination to work towards them.

You want to prove yourself to the world, but it can be draining to continue daily. Your willpower comes into the picture. It should be strong enough to overcome your limitations.

This journey has tested my willpower and taught me strength, patience, and the importance of self-belief.

I have some days when I thought, let’s do it tomorrow. But without any specific reason, I didn’t stop. Sometimes, I write irrespective of my health. I do not want to give any excuse to my future self.

I missed the days because I had to go somewhere in an emergency and be there. I could not write. So what? As long as I have a valid reason, I am happy with my decision.

“If the fire in your heart is strong enough, it will burn away any obstacles that come your way.”
― Suzy Kassem

I never considered it a failure or a sign that my streak was broken. Instead, I took it as a challenge to improve myself. Now, I write daily in the morning at around 6:30.

This consistent practice has improved my writing skills and enhanced my discipline and time management abilities.

Make your willpower so strong that you cannot back out from it; it should push you to do work. Willpower plays an essential part in success.

One way to strengthen your willpower is to start with small, manageable tasks and gradually increase the difficulty.

Another strategy is to remind yourself of the long-term benefits and rewards of your efforts. If your willpower is strong, you will likely complete your work and be successful.

“Strength for change can never evolve without willpower”
― Radapar

I am happy to have completed my 120 days of writing, and I will continue to write every day. I want to prove I can do it, not to prove it to others.

If I prove this to myself, my confidence will automatically increase, which will help me. Let’s pledge to improve ourselves to become a better version of ourselves.

Proving oneself means setting personal goals and working towards them, not for the validation or recognition of others, but for our own growth and satisfaction.

Make yourself strong. Increase your willpower. Don’t give your future self any chance to complain. You are the one who can do it.

Happy Working :)



Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Magical Writers Cafe

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​